Aptekarskaya Street

(formerly Aptekarsky Lane)
Before the revolution, Aptekarskaya Street, which is located between Semyon Remezov (Bolshaya Ilyinskaya) and Sverdlov (Yarovaya) Streets, was called Aptekarsky Lane. At the end of the XVIII century in the northern part of the Upper Posad, a stone building was built to accommodate dragoon teams. In the first half of the XIX century. it was rebuilt and adapted as a garrison hospital. At the same time, the territory of the estate also changed: stone and wooden buildings were erected around the perimeter of the courtyard, and a large pharmacy garden was arranged next to the hospital. According to legend, in addition to trees, herbs grew here, which were used in medicine. The 1875 plan clearly shows the hospital estate with buildings around the main building and the layout of the park with a regular network of alleys. The complex has suffered greatly from time, most of the buildings have either been lost or have changed their appearance beyond recognition.

In the early years of Soviet power, Aptekarsky Lane was renamed Aptekarskaya Street. There was a hospital and a city morgue building on the street. Currently, there are twenty-three buildings on the street, the main ones are the administration of the city of Tobolsk and the central city library named after A.S. Sukhanov. Along the street there is Victory Park, on the territory of which there is a memorial to the Tobolyaks who died during the Great Patriotic War, the sculpture and memorial complex "Tobolyakov immortal Regiment" and the Wall of National Memory.
Apothecary Garden
An incredibly cozy and well-groomed garden in the mountainous part of the city, the vegetation in which was quite dense, and the pond in the center — so they spoke about it in the XIX century. All prominent guests of the city must have visited this garden. Initially, it was called Botanical, — the merchant Vasily Gavrilovich in 1816 transferred it to the city for the construction of a new military infirmary. Later, in 1824, the garden changed its name to "Medical", and then became "Apothecary".

The astronomer Vasily Fedorov lived for some time in the house belonging to the apothecary garden. Seconded by the Russian Academy of Sciences, he was engaged in the geographical determination of the position of the city of Tobolsk. The top of the stone building of the kitchen of the city hospital served as an observatory for him. The devices were installed in several fathoms on the bank of the Irtysh.

The idea of reviving the garden came to local historians in 2014. Three years later, students of the Tobolsk Medical College defended the idea of garden reconstruction at the SIBUR Formula of Good Deeds grant competition. On March 5, 2018, the youth center "My Territory" was opened in the building of the former printing house on the territory of the garden. During a trip to Tobolsk, then Governor of the Tyumen region, Vladimir Yakushev instructed to involve young people and residents of the city in the design process of the "Pharmacy Garden". The task was implemented in July at the Clover family festival on July 15, and a few weeks later an expert session was held with Acting Governor Alexander Moore, where a new concept was already discussed. A year later, in 2019, the work continued: meetings were held with residents, hearings were organized among architects. The design and estimate documentation was developed in 2020 and passed a historical and cultural examination. The "Pharmacy Garden" familiar to the modern eye, which we see today, began to be ennobled in 2021.

Tobolsk City Hospital

(Garrison Hospital)

Aptekarskaya Str.

The beginning of the formation of the garrison hospital complex dates back to the second half of the XVIII century.

In 1794, according to the project of architect Alexander Guchev, a two-story stone building was built to accommodate dragoon teams in the area of the earthen rampart. In the 1830s, the building was radically rebuilt to accommodate the garrison hospital, possibly designed by architect P.I. Praman. At the same time, stone and wooden buildings of medical services were erected along the perimeter of the courtyard. The building of the garrison hospital is arranged according to a corridor system with a grand staircase and a lobby.

This is how the city hospital is described in the newspaper "Tobolsk Provincial Vedomosti": "The Tobolsk City Hospital is located in a separate three-storey house located on a mountain, in a healthy and elevated area, with a large lime garden and completely isolated from neighboring residential buildings.

The men’s department consists of ten wards on the third floor; the height of the wards is 6 ½ arshins. Patients with rash, syphilitic, ocular, typhoid and difficult — have their own separate wards, as well as surgical patients. The women’s department is located in seven separate rooms on the second floor; each ward is 6 ½ arshins high and 10 ½ arshins long." (Tobolsk provincial Gazette. 1882. No. 36. pp. 2−4).
On the ground floor of the hospital, in a separate large ward, sick crazy women were placed. The male lunatics were housed in a separate building, which had previously been occupied by an orphanage with a separate garden.

Until 1884, there was an orphanage at the hospital, in which there were 15 children, with them there was a matron, four maids and a laundress. In 1884, the orphanage was closed, and all the children were given to private individuals for upbringing.

In 1895, a house church was built in the hospital building in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy to All Who Mourn". For a long time, the priest of the hospital church was Nikolai Pavlovich Bellavin.

The completion of the hospital complex dates back to the end of the XIX century, when a two-story brick building was built in the northern part of the estate.

In 1911, the hospital was headed by senior physician Vladimir Karlovich Lindenberg. Columnists of the newspapers "Tobolsk Provincial Vedomosti" and "Siberian Leaf" described the doctors' service as hard and necessary work.

In Soviet times, the building was used as a medical institution, there was a therapeutic department of the city hospital.

After the completion of repair and restoration work, the city administration was located in it.

The Wall of People's Memory

Aptekarskaya Str.
While Sergey Titlinov’s creative group was working on the monument "Tobolyakov immortal Regiment", at the beginning of 2020, the collection of photos of veterans of the front and rear, relatives of residents of the city, began. Tobolyaks brought almost two and a half thousand photos. They were placed on eight walls.

The photos were of different formats, of different quality. But this was originally intended, insofar as the Wall of People’s Memory was not supposed to resemble a Board of Honor, but more like framed photographs on the walls of village houses.

Since the opening of the complex was delayed, the townspeople continued to carry photos, so it was necessary to additionally produce four more walls. As a result, 3644 photos were placed on twelve walls. A real people’s memorial. On June 22 and May 9, citizens bring flowers to him.

Alley of Heroes of the Soviet Union

Aptekarskaya Str.
In the summer of 1941, a terrible flood occurred in Tobolsk, which has not been since 1914. The city rivers Abramka, Kurdyumka, Locksmith, usually quiet and lazy, overflowed their banks and reached the city center.
Sunday, June 22, 1941, the festivities on Panin Hill were explained. And already at noon the news flew around the city — the war. On the same day, a spontaneous rally took place at the building of the drama theater. The next day, on June 23, a rally was held at the building of the Tobolsk City Executive Committee, to which more than 10 thousand people came. On June 25, 1941, the first group of Tobolsk volunteers set off on the steamer "Alexander Bui" to defend the Motherland. More than 20 thousand residents of Tobolsk and Tobolsk district went to the front. 5,596 of them did not return.

On the square in front of the Eternal Flame there is a memorial "Alley of Heroes". Along the alley there are 10 granite steles 2.5 meters high. On the bas-reliefs there are nine holders of the Hero’s star: Alexey Melnikov, Afrikant Yerofeyevsky, Ivan Bespalov, Alexey Rogozhin, Yakov Neumoev, Alexander Zvyagin, Timofey Charkov, Grigory Koshkarov, Alexander Logunov and one full knight of the Order of Glory Alexander Kutepov.
Sculpture and memorial complex "Tobolyakov immortal Regiment"
Aptekarskaya Str.
The creation of the Tobolyakov Immortal Regiment complex developed rapidly. On July 31, 2019, the sculptor Sergey Titlinov met with the Head of the city of Tobolsk Maxim Afanasyev, and on August 8 the first sketches were prepared. A pentagonal granite prism with a bas-relief mounted on it depicting outstanding Tobolians walking towards the audience: it was assumed that these would be Heroes of the Soviet Union. Behind it there were walls with photos of veterans of the front and rear. The discussion of sketches began. Then a proposal was made by the chairman of the veterans organization Vladimir Alexandrovich Gabrus that a separate alley should be created for the Heroes of the Soviet Union and named steles should be installed on it. The authors had to prepare another version of the complex.

In September — October 2019, a planning solution for the entire complex was developed. In parallel, the city Administration began a survey of residents about the necessity of creating Walls of national memory. More than five thousand people took part in the survey. And only 49 people (less than one percent) voted against.

While working on the monument, Sergey Titlinov got acquainted with the diary of a participant in the war, tobolyachka Nina Kokorina, read her touching lines about her brother Guy, who died near Rzhev. An unexpected thought was born: not just to portray outstanding Tobolians, but to give these people the opportunity to realize their dreams. There were storylines: a meeting of mathematics teacher Mikhail Panfilovich Pospelov with his former students: pilot Olga Timofeevna Golubeva, pilot navigator, Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Evstafevich Zvyagin; the meeting of Paraskovya Feodorovna of Hungary with her son Vasily, who died at the front; Favria Sharipov with his father Mukhametzyan Seitov, who did not return from the war.

On November 1, 2019, the authors started modeling. In total, fifty real people were chosen by the decision of the townspeople. By May 5, 2020, the work was completed, but the coronavirus epidemic left its mark. The opening of the complex took place only on July 24, 2020.

Memorial to the Tobolians who died during the Great Patriotic War

Aptekarskaya Str.
On October 1, 1987, a memorial was opened in Victory Square on Aptekarskaya Street. Its complex includes an Eternal Flame, a commemorative stele with the Order of Victory 15 meters high and a slab with the names of citizens who died during the war carved into it.

Back in 1985−1986, according to the project of the chief architect of the city of Tobolsk, B.A. Fershatter, a monument to the countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War was erected by the method of subbotniks. He looked modest in those years: the hill, the Eternal Flame and the dates of the war. Already in 2005, the city administration received an order for the reconstruction of the monument. Architect I.G. Rossoshik, known to many Tobolians, designed a new version of the monument. The monument is based on the song "Cranes". The metal stele is made in the form of a soldier’s bayonet. Cranes are rushing to heaven along it — a symbol of soldiers' souls who laid down their lives for the Fatherland, for the peaceful future of new generations. S.V. Erokhin became the chief engineer who implemented the project.

By the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, marble slabs were installed on the memorial, on which the surnames and names of the Tobolyaks who died on the battlefields were immortalized.
Central City Library named after A.S. Sukhanov
Aptekarskaya Str.

The Central city Library named after Alexey Stepanovich Sukhanov is located in a five-storey residential building on the ground floor. The library has a children’s department, a reading room, an adult subscription, a youth subscription, a recruitment department, a computer class (PCDI), administrative and managerial staff. Events of various levels are held, such as "Children's and Youth Book Week", "Biblionoch", "Bibliosumerki".
Meetings with various writers and poets and just creative people are held in the library, for example: M. Popov, winner of the All-Russian Fyodor Konyukhov Prize, Yu.P. Perminov, editor-in-chief of the publishing project of the public charitable foundation "Vozrozhdenie", T.I. Solodova. Various exhibitions dedicated to such events as Victory Day, the Year of Ecology, the All-Russian Library Day are organized.
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