Roshchinsky Lane

It got his name from the bishop’s grove, on the territory of which the dacha of the Tobolsk spiritual bishop was located. For a long time it served as the border of the city, separating its main part from the Zavalny suburb. Most of the private houses here were built already in the post-war period. Its decoration was the kindergarten building, built in 1958 (now it is occupied by the Lyceum). Actively Roshchinsky Lane was built up in the 1970s. Panel five-storey buildings appeared on it. Currently, there are 44 residential buildings, catering and service industries located here.
Bishop's Grove
Roshchinsky Lane
In the area of the Zavalny suburb there was a bishop’s grove. The suburban dacha of the Tobolsk bishops has long been located here.

In 1758, Metropolitan Pavel built a pond for water at the top of the Kurdyumka River, and put a lighthouse with the house church of All Saints opposite the pond. The metropolitan intended to establish a village there and settle the servants of the bishop’s house in it. Around 1790, the bishop’s house in a suburban grove burned down.

At the beginning of the XIX century, Archbishop Anthony III (Znamensky) built a new wooden house on a stone foundation in a suburban bishop’s grove, planted an entire avenue of cedars. He liked to visit here on hot summer days.

In the spring of 1845, Bishop Vladimir (Alyavdin) built the Transfiguration Church in the suburban bishop’s grove.

Bishop Vladimir died on May 20, 1845 and was buried, according to his will, near the new Transfiguration Church in the bishop’s grove. In April 1852, Archbishop George (Fmdurzhinsky) was buried there.

Cedars grew in the bishop’s grove, but citizens were forbidden to collect cones.
On August 28, 1894, Archpriest Dmitry Vissarionovich Serebrennikov was buried at the Transfiguration Church, in the bishop’s grove.

On the night of April 6−7, 1905, the head of the Tobolsk Spiritual Consistory, Deacon Pyotr Yakovlevich Shevelev, died of apoplexy. On April 7, a memorial service was held at the apartment of the deceased. At 5 p.m. on April 8, the body of the deceased was transferred to the suburban (Roshchinskaya) Transfiguration Church; the grave was prepared in the church fence. On April 9, the funeral rite was performed by priests Evgeny Fenixov, Peter Favorsky, Konstantin Vinogradov and Protodeacon Fyodor Balandin. The body of Pyotr Yakovlevich Shevelev was buried.

On January 29, 1913, the former director of the Tobolsk Men’s Gymnasium, Pyotr Ivanovich Panov, was buried in the bishop’s grove.

In July 1913, it was decided to build a new building of the Tobolsk Theological Seminary. Bishop Alexy expressed his wish that this place be chosen in the bishop’s grove.

Roshchinsky Lane

The Lyceum educational institution was established in 1993.

On December 19, 2018, the Lyceum celebrated its 25th anniversary. A solemn event was held on this occasion. Local government officials came to congratulate the jubilee team — First Deputy mayor Yana Zubova, City Duma deputy Lyudmila Ostanina, Chairman of the Education Committee Natalia Belysheva and others.

The director of the lyceum Marina Salomatova, the chairman of the City Committee of Education workers Natalia Kropacheva, the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the institution Irina Cherkasova, and the heads of Tobolsk schools also made festive greetings.

In honor of the anniversary date, a large group of teachers and staff of the collective were awarded by the head of the city and the chairman of the City Duma. Yana Zubova and the first head of the lyceum Vladimir Bortvin from the stage recalled the stages of development and formation of the educational institution, in particular — they talked about the difficulties with the educational areas at the time of the lyceum’s creation (the institution was located in the premises of other schools), about the lack of funding in the early years, when teachers' salaries were paid at the expense of charitable assistance from representatives of Tobolsk business, urban enterprises and organizations.

Today, the lyceum occupies a worthy place in the municipal education system of the city of Tobolsk, and is justly proud of its history, traditions and successes of students who have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads of various levels.

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