Polonsky Street

Polonsky Street is named in honor of Vladimir Ivanovich Polonsky, a native of Tobolsk (real name — Ruven Gershevich Polonsky), a revolutionary, Soviet party and trade union leader.

Vladimir Polonsky was born in Tobolsk in a Jewish family of philistines. Member of the RSDLP since 1907. Since 1908 he worked as a sailor, a laborer, since 1912 — an electrician in St. Petersburg. He conducted party work in trade unions, in 1913 he was a member of the Central Board of the St. Petersburg Union of Metalworkers. In 1914 Polonsky was arrested, and in 1915 he was sentenced to administrative expulsion to the Tobolsk province. Since March 1917, Secretary of the Central Board of the Moscow Union of Metalworkers; participant in the October battles in Moscow.

Polonsky took part in the Civil War. In 1918−1920 he was commissar of the division on the Western and Southern Fronts, military commissar of the South-Eastern Railway, chairman of the Southern Bureau of the All-Union Central Committee. In 1920−24, Chairman of the Organizational Bureau, then Secretary of the Central Committee of the Union of Miners, Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial Council of Trade Unions and a member of the bureau of the Provincial Committee of the RCP (b).

Since 1925, Secretary of the Rogozhsko-Simonovsky district Committee and a member of the bureau of the MK of the CPSU (b), in 1928 the 2nd secretary of the MK. In 1930 and in 1935−37 he was secretary of the All-Russian Central Committee. In 1930−33, 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP of Azerbaijan, at the same time secretary of the Transcaucasian Regional Committee of the CPSU (b). Since January 1933, Head of the organizational department of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), since August — head of the political department and Deputy People’s Commissar of the NKPS. Since 1937, Deputy People’s Commissar of Communications of the USSR. Delegate of the 11th-17th Party Congresses; at the 15th-17th congresses he was elected as a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). Member of the CEC of the USSR. In the spring of 1937 he was arrested. During the investigation, cruel tortures were applied to Polonsky. The visiting session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court sentenced to VMN. He was shot on October 30, 1937 in Lubyanka prison. The corpse was cremated in the Donskoy Monastery. In 1958 he was rehabilitated.

He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
Tobolsk Industrial Institute
Polonsky Str.
The background of the branch is connected with the development of the oil and gas chemical industry in the Tyumen region and the city of Tobolsk. There was a need to train specialists with higher education of the appropriate profile on the spot. In the city, in the early 80s, a training and consulting center of the Tyumen Industrial Institute appeared, which was headed by a young and energetic director Gennady Andreevich Panfilov.

On the basis of this sprout of higher engineering education and the general Technical faculty of the Kazan Chemical Technology Institute named after S.M. Kirov, the Tobolsk NHK training center was launched in 1989.

In 1990, modern laboratories of chemistry, resistance of materials, machine parts, physics, technical training facilities were created, its own library was opened, the first personal computer class in the city appeared.

In 1991, a full-time department was opened. In 1992, the Tobolsk General Technical Faculty of KHTI came under the jurisdiction of the Omsk Polytechnic Institute.
On February 19, 1998, by order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation No. 456, the Tobolsk branch was transformed into the "Tobolsk Industrial Institute" of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. The first director of the Institute was appointed Director of the Tobolsk branch of TIU (TSOGU), corresponding member of the Academy of Technological Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor Vladimir Vasilyevich Tokarev.

In 1998−1999, the first graduates of specialists and bachelors took place. The Department of "Electric Power Engineering" was organized. The Institute has started implementing additional education programs. The library of the Institute, having received the status of a public scientific and technical library, opened its doors to the readers of the city.

Currently, the Tobolsk Industrial Institute consists of 2 departments — natural sciences and humanities and electric power engineering. The branch includes a branch of the SPO. TII has more than 20 laboratories in all disciplines.
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