
At the foot of the Troitsky Cape, near the mouth of the Kurdyumka, there is an urban suburb of Podshluzy.

Materials were needed for the construction of the Tobolsk Kremlin: wood, brick, sand, lime. All this was delivered to Tobolsk by water. The materials still needed to be lifted up the mountain. For this purpose, lifting mechanisms ("sluzes") were arranged on the western side of the Trinity Cape, at the mouth of the Kurdyumka. They allowed lifting loads from the river side to the mountain. Later, people began to settle here. There were houses "under the sluzes". Over time, the word "sluz" was replaced by "shluz". In the Great Fire of 1788, the lifting mechanisms died, but the name remained. It is interesting that in the newspapers "Tobolsk provincial Vedomosti" and "Siberian Leaflet" the place was called either "Podslyuzy" or "Podshlyuzy".

In 1806, a tannery was built by merchant Yakov Petrovich Ershov. 700 pieces were produced per year red leather, 300 white, 500 black and 500 pieces of hemmed leather. The products were sold in Tobolsk and at the fair in Irbit.

Next door to Ershov was the factory of the merchant of the 3rd guild Alexei Vasilyevich Glaskov. In 1849, the plant was sold to the merchant of the 3rd guild Nikolai Petrovich Ershov for 800 rubles in silver along with the land. In 1850, the widow of the merchant Yakov Ershov Irina Fedorovna sold the factory to the Tobolsk merchant of the 3rd guild Mikhail Moiseevich Pelishev.

In 1879, the merchant’s wife Glafira Ivanovna Ershova purchased a stone house in the Locks, which had previously housed a tannery, from the heiress of the deceased merchant Nikolai Petrovich Ershov Alexandra, and remodeled it for herself. Glafira Ivanovna left the house to her sons Yakov, Grigory and Nikolai.

The house is built in the shape of the letter L. The main facade of the building faces south and has 15 windows and 2 balconies. There are two travel arches in the house. One was in the direction of the mountain and was intended for the delivery of goods to warehouses. The second arch was located in the annex of the house.

In the second half of the XIX century, a tannery, a match factory and a merchant bathhouse of the Ershov merchants were located in Podshluzy.
According to the first All-Russian Population Census of 1897, 229 people lived in Podshluzy. The main attraction of the suburb is the house of the merchants of the Ershovs. The Ershov brothers lived in the house: Yakov, Grigory and Nikolai Alexandrovich with their families.

At the beginning of the XX century. in Podshluzy there was one street with 20 houses, two tanneries, the owners of which were Sergey Nikolaevich Alexandrov and Ivan Vasilyevich Seliverstov, city baths and a city slaughterhouse. In 1907, 197 inhabitants lived in Podshluzy.
Дом Ершовых


Дом Ершовых (ул. Подшлюзы, 2)

В 1806 г. в городском предместье Подшлюзы купцом Яковом Петровичем Ершовым был построен кожевенный завод. Строение было деревянное, в длину 36 сажень и в ширину 14 сажень. Трудилось на заводе 10 человек: мастер, подмастерье и восемь рабочих. Для выделки кож имелось 11 чанов: 8 дубильных и 3 зольных. В год выделывалось 700 шт. красной кожи, 300 белой, 500 черной и 500 штук подшвенной кож. Продукция сбывалась в Тобольске и на ярмарке в Ирбите.
По соседству с Ершовым находился завод купца 3-й гильдии Алексея Васильевича Гласкова. В 1849 г. завод был продан купцу 3-й гильдии Николаю Петровичу Ершову за 800 руб. серебром вместе с землей. В 1850 г. вдова купца Якова Ершова Ирина Федоровна продала завод тобольскому купцу 3-й гильдии Михаилу Моисеевичу Пелишеву.
В 1879 г. купчиха Глафира Ивановна Ершова приобрела у наследницы умершего купца Николая Петровича Ершова Александры каменный дом в Подшлюзах, в котором ранее размещался кожевенный завод, и переделала его под себя. Дом Глафира Ивановна оставила своим сыновьям Якову, Григорию и Николаю.
Дом построен в форме буквы Г. Главный фасад здания выходит на южную сторону и имеет 15 окон и 2 балкона. В доме две проездные арки. Одна была в сторону горы и предназначалась для завоза товара в склады. Вторая арка находилась в пристройке дома.
В Памятной книге 1908 г. есть запись: «Мариинская женская школа за ветхостью своего здания нашла помещение для классов в доме купца Ершова в Подслюзном предместье». В 1917 г. в доме Ершовых располагалась Тобольская учительская семинария, директор которой А. Товаров подал в газету объявление о продаже лошади с аукционного торга.
В 1920-е годы дом был национализирован. С 1942 по 1946 гг. здесь был интернат для инвалидов войны. В советское время в здании располагалось дошкольное отделение Тобольского педучилища.
Из воспоминаний одной из выпускниц педучилища: «Очень красивое здание. Арки-дуги- своды, потолки высокие... уют во всём был».
В 1996 г. дом передали Тобольско-Тюменской епархии. Некоторое время здесь находились иконописные мастерские. С 2007 г. здание пустует и медленно разрушается.

The house of the Ershovs (Podshluzy str., 2)

In 1806, a tannery was built by merchant Yakov Petrovich Ershov in the city suburb of Podshlyzy. The structure was wooden, 36 fathoms long and 14 fathoms wide. 10 people worked at the plant: a master, an apprentice and eight workers. There were 11 vats for leather dressing: 8 tannins and 3 ash vats. 700 pieces of red leather, 300 - white, 500 - black and 500 pieces of hemmed leather were produced per year. The products were sold in Tobolsk and at the fair in Irbit.
Next door to Ershov was the factory of the merchant of the 3rd guild Alexei Vasilyevich Glaskov. In 1849, the plant was sold to the merchant of the 3rd guild Nikolai Petrovich Ershov for 800 rubles in silver along with the land. In 1850, the widow of the merchant Yakov Ershov Irina Fedorovna sold the factory to the Tobolsk merchant of the 3rd guild Mikhail Moiseevich Pelishev.
In 1879, the merchant's wife Glafira Ivanovna Ershova purchased a stone house in Podshluzy, which had previously housed a tannery, from the heiress of the deceased merchant Nikolai Petrovich Ershov Alexandra, and remodeled it for herself. Glafira Ivanovna left the house to her sons Yakov, Grigory and Nikolai.
The house is built in the shape of the letter G. The main facade of the building faces south and has 15 windows and 2 balconies. There are two travel arches in the house. One was in the direction of the mountain and was intended for the delivery of goods to warehouses. The second arch was located in the annex of the house.
In the Memorial Book of 1908 there is an entry: "The Mariinsky Girls' School, due to the dilapidation of its building, found a room for classes in the house of merchant Yershov in the Podslyuzny suburb." In 1917, the Tobolsk Teachers' Seminary was located in the house of the Ershovs, the director of which A. Tovar submitted an advertisement to the newspaper for the sale of a horse from an auction.
In the 1920s, the house was nationalized. From 1942 to 1946 there was a boarding school for war invalids. In Soviet times, the building housed the preschool department of the Tobolsk Pedagogical School.
From the memoirs of one of the graduates of the pedagogical school: "A very beautiful building. Arches-arches- vaults, high ceilings... there was comfort in everything."
In 1996, the house was transferred to the Tobolsk-Tyumen diocese. Icon-painting workshops were located here for some time. Since 2007, the building has been empty and is slowly being destroyed.

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