Улица Свердлова (бывшая Яровая)
Sverdlov Street (formerly Yarovaya)
Sverdlov Yakov Mikhailovich is a Russian politician and statesman, revolutionary, Bolshevik. Member of the party since 1901, Participant of the revolution of 1905-1907 in the Urals. In 1912, he was co-opted into the Central Committee of the RSDLP, a member of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee. In April 1917, he headed the creation of the Ural Regional Party Organization. After the VII (April) Conference of the RSDLP (b) he became the Secretary of the Central Committee. A participant in the preparation and conduct of the October Revolution in Petrograd, a member of the Party Center for the Leadership of the armed uprising, a member of the VRK. Chairman of the Bolshevik faction of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Since November 1917 - Chairman of the Central Executive Committee.
Дом жилой
Дом жилой (улица Свердлова, 2)
Residential house (Sverdlov Str., 2)
Дом Грабовского (ул. Свердлова, 7)
Grabovsky House (Sverdlov Str., 7)
In 1911, 7 people lived in Filimonov's house (2 m., 5 w.).
Дом жилой
Дом жилой (ул. Свердлова, 41)
Residential house (Sverdlova Str., 41)
The house was built, presumably, in the post-war period. The decoration of the house is very modest – the windows are decorated with overhead carvings with simple ornaments. The roof of the house is rebuilt, covered with slate. The fence of the house has not been preserved.
Дом жилой (ул. Свердлова, 51)
Residential house (Sverdlova Str., 51)
The house was built in the post-war period. The building looks very advantageous due to the open log cabin. The house is decorated with platbands with sawn carvings, in which there is a floral ornament. The house is decorated with sawn carvings along the cornice. The roof of the house was rebuilt in the 1960s from a two-pitched to a four-pitched.
Дом жилой (ул. Свердлова, 57)
Residential house (Sverdlova Str., 57)
The building was built in the first half of the twentieth century and it is, in fact, two houses connected by a common entrance hall. The entrance to the house is made from the north side. The left half of the house faces Sverdlov Street, the right half faces the Irtysh River. Both parts of the house are sheathed with boards and painted, the exception is the direction of the boards: in the right part it is vertical, and in the left – horizontal. The windows of the house are decorated with sawn and overhead carvings. In the left part, the basis of the drawing is a simple geometric ornament in the form of lozenges, in the right part, in addition to lozenges, there is also a floral ornament.