Ivanishchev Pavel Ignatievich
(1921 — 1990)
Born on April 18, 1921 in Ostropyatova Maslyansky district. In 1938 he graduated from the courses of tractor drivers. He was drafted into the Red Army in 1940 in Maslyansky district, Omsk region. He served in the Northern Fleet, on the island of Kildin. He fought in the 325th Arrow Regiment of the 14th Infantry Division. In June 1941, the regiment joined the fighting on the Karelian Front.
From the award list:
"In battle on July 25−27, 1941 at the height of 129.9 in the Bolshaya Zapadnaya Face area, sniper Ivanishchev destroyed up to 25 fascists, took out of the battle with his fire the servants of 2 machine guns and 5 officers. During these 3 days, he carried 2 wounded junior commanders and 4 Red Army soldiers from the battlefield.
On August 2, during the battle, carried away by the destruction of enemy officers, Ivanishchev did not notice how he was surrounded by an enemy squad. Ivanishchev, having 3 cartridges and 1 grenade, destroyed 3 fascist machine gunners and, throwing a grenade at the enemy, joined his squad. At that time Ivanishchev was wounded."
For these battles, Pavel Ignatievich was presented to the Order of the "Red Star" by Order No. 141 of December 27, 1941. The order was signed by the commander of the regiment, Major A.A. Shakita (Shikita) and the commissar of the regiment, political commissar V. Lapshin.
From August 1941 to March 1942 he fought in the 173rd Rifle Regiment. The 173rd Rifle Regiment defended Leningrad near Pushkin. Up until September 27, 1941, the Nazis made furious attempts to overcome the resistance of Soviet troops and break through to Leningrad. At the end of October, the regiment suffered heavy losses. Pavel Ignatievich was wounded by a shrapnel in his right arm. At first he was in the hospital in Kolpino. Then he was taken out of Leningrad along the "Road of Life". From April 11 to April 29, 1942, he was treated at the evacuation hospital No. 3143 in Berezniki, Perm Krai. By the decision of the medical commission on May 1, 1942 he was declared unfit for military service. November 6, 1944 Ivanishchev Pavel Ignatyevich was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad". In addition, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, medals "For Victory over Germany", "For Valiant Labor" and other awards.
In 1943, Pavel Ignatievich married Maria Vasilievna Redicultseva, with whom he lived for 47 years. Two daughters Valentina and Tamara were born. After the war, he worked for many years as a mechanic on the collective farm "40 years of October" of the Kugaevsky Village Council. He did not like to remember the war, he wore awards only on holidays. In 1979 Pavel Ignatievich and Maria Vasilyevna moved to Tobolsk to their youngest daughter, and in 1986 they settled in a new house. On September 14, 1990 Pavel Ignatievich passed away. He was buried in the Zavalny cemetery.