The Red Square

In the middle of the XIX century, six squares were marked in Tobolsk: Cathedral Square — in front of the St. Sophia-Assumption Cathedral, Market Square near the city bazaar, Parade ground (Blagoveshchenskaya) Square for parades of the Tobolsk garrison, near the Annunciation Church, Ershovskaya — between the streets of Novaya and Malaya Bolotnaya, Peter and Paul — near the Peter and Paul Church, Christmas — near the Christmas churches. The Noble Assembly building was located on this square. Squares in Tobolsk, as well as streets, were paved with wood.

In 1856, the pavement on the Parade Ground Square to the flour row, the pavement on the Ershovskaya Square were repaired, a new pavement was built opposite the Tatar school.

According to the Tobolsk Provincial Statistical Committee, at the end of the XIX century there were already nine squares in the city. To the existing ones, you need to add Flour (near flour rows), Forest, where timber was traded, and Hay.
The main square of Tobolsk was the Cathedral Square. In 1921, it was renamed the Red Sports Square. Currently, Cathedral Square is divided into two parts — Red Square and Remezov Square.
Rozhkova Tatiana Dorofeevna

Tatiana Dorofeevna Rozhkova, one of the oldest archivists in Siberia, was called the "mistress of the Alafeyevsky Mountains" because she lived at the address Red Square, 4.

Tatiana Dorofeevna was born on May 22, 1904 in Kiev. Her father is a student of the Imperial Forestry Institute, forestry engineer Dorofey Matveyevich Hodoley-Rozhkov. Mother is a doctor, a graduate of the Kiev Medical Institute.

Tatiana Dorofeevna received her education at the Higher Technical School of Foreign Relations at the Faculty of Foreign Trade, then at the Moscow Industrial and Economic Institute.

In 1953 she was sent to the Tobolsk branch of the regional archive, where she was impressed by the rich funds, rare and valuable materials on the history of the region. In 1955 she moved permanently to Tobolsk and became an employee of the Tobolsk Archive, where she worked until her retirement. The subject of Tatiana Dorofeevna’s works is very diverse: from healthcare to scientific and fishing expeditions. Tatiana Dorofeevna has devoted over 30 years to the study of historical and architectural monuments of Tobolsk.

In her free time, Tatiana Dorofeevna wrote poetry. Her poems "Over the Irtysh", "Glory to Tobolsk", "Siberian Expanses", "On the Alafeev Mountains" convey the author’s love for Tobolsk and its nature.
After retirement, Tatiana Dorofeevna took an active life position, conducted public work, was repeatedly awarded by the regional and city organization of the society "Knowledge", and in 1971 her name was entered in the Book of Honor of the society.
On April 5, 1985, Tatiana Dorofeevna passed away.

Pryamskoy vzvoz


Between the two parts of the Trinity Cape there is a Pryamskoy vzvoz. Since the foundation of Tobolsk, a natural dry log has served for climbing the mountain. For a long time, the truck had no cover, so it was very difficult to climb up, especially in rainy weather. In the 1670s, a wooden staircase was built.

In 1751, an ensign of the Dragoon regiment, a talented engineer Yakov Ukusnikov, developed a draft of about 200 fathoms (400 meters) long.

In the 80s of the XVIII centuryтit was decided to build retaining walls for the Pryamskoy vzvoz. Various craftsmen were involved in the construction, among them architect Alexander Guchev, surveyor Vasily Ponomarev, Tobolsk burghers Savin and Pakhomov.

In the old days, there were 198 steps on the Pryamsky vzvoz. At the moment there are 203 steps.
The building of the renteria (Swedish Chamber) is arranged above the Direct delivery in the form of a bridge. This is one of the two completely preserved buildings of S.U. Remezov. The building was named after the then name of the rent collected from the peasants — rent. Here, in the dungeons, the precious Siberian "yasak" was also stored — a tax collected from the indigenous population by furs.

The second name of the building is associated with its builders — captured Swedes. During the Northern War (1700−1721), many Swedish soldiers and officers were captured, who in groups of ten to a hundred people were settled in cities and villages of the Kazan, Astrakhan and Arkhangelsk provinces. In 1711, the Sviyazhsk conspiracy was discovered, organized with the aim of fleeing to their homeland. As a result, dozens of Swedes were exiled to Siberia. The main route to the east, the Moscow-Siberian Highway, passed through Tobolsk, so most Swedes passed through the Siberian capital. There were many talented people among the prisoners: Charles XII’s personal secretary Dietmar, the scientist Stralenberg. There were also experienced engineers. It was their knowledge that Remezov used in the construction of the greenhouse.

Remezov wanted to give the building a triumphal significance, calling it "Dimitrievsky Gate", in honor of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica Day on October 26 (November 8), when Ermak entered the capital of the Siberian Khanate (Kashlyk, Isker). Remezov planned a triumphal tower over the vzvoz, but later abandoned it, although it is present in the drawings.

Pryamskoy vozvoz divides the Tobolsk Kremlin into two parts: the Sofia Courtyard and the Small Voznesensky City. Voznesensky City (according to the Church of the Ascension) was a military-administrative part of the Kremlin. Here were the residences of the governors.

Provincial printing house


The provincial printing house, located to the northwest of the provincial government building, consists of three one-story buildings with smooth facades.

The territory near the governor’s palace was severely damaged in a Great Fire in 1788. In the 1820s, a service building, stables and a taxable building were built. All of them formed a single complex. In the middle of the XIX century it was occupied by the provincial printing house, in which the newspaper "Tobolsk Provincial Vedomosti" began to be published in 1857.

Currently, the building of the provincial printing house is occupied by the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve.

Governor 's Palace


The main object of the secular part of the Tobolsk Kremlin is the viceroy’s palace. The building is an example of civil architecture of the second half of the XVIII century.

The first floor of the Governor’s Palace is the remains of S.U. Remezov’s Writ Chamber, founded on May 9, 1700. Remezov, in an effort to give the building of the Chamber of Orders an imposing shape, created a powerful belt of large pediments above the cornice. The windows were decorated with decorative ceramic columns. Above the main entrance there was a cartouche with the image of the Tobolsk coat of arms. The Writ Chamber was completed by 1704. During the construction of the Viceroy’s Palace, S.U. Remezov’s Writ Chamber was included in it as an integral part. The Tobolsk viceroyalty was opened on August 30, 1782.

In the Great Fire of 1788, the building of the governor’s palace was severely damaged. In 1828, it was decided to restore it according to the project of architect David Visconti to accommodate the Provincial offices, which after the fire were located in the Gostiny Dvor. Since 1831, the Governor’s Palace has housed the Provincial offices. The Decembrists A.M. Muravyev, I.A. Annenkov, P.N. Svistunov, S.M. Semenov served in the provincial government from 1830 to 1856 at various times. The architecture of the building is too simple — there are no pilasters, no columns, no platbands. This is a typical building of late classicism.

In Soviet times, the building housed an obstetric and paramedic school, a fishing college, branches of the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology, Omsk Technical University, Tyumen Oil and Gas University in different years. Currently, the building houses a branch of the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve Museum on the History of Management of Siberia.

Provincial Judicial Council


The judicial board is located along the western slope of the Pryamsky vzvoz. The building appeared in the 20s of the XIX century as a result of the reconstruction of two small stone buildings of the XVIII century — the guardhouse and pharmacy, which were damaged in the Great Tobolsk fire of 1788. According to the plan of architect David Visconti, a service building was designed on the site of the guardhouse and pharmacy. After its construction, the provincial judicial council was placed in it. In the second half of the XIX — early XX centuries, the Tobolsk district Police Department was located here. Then training workshops. Currently, the building belongs to the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve. The northern part of the building is occupied by the "Palace Coffee House".

Gostiny dvor


Gostiny Dvor was built according to the project of S.U. Remezov, according to the nominal royal decree of 1702 to encourage trade with Central Asia and China. Remezov designed the building like a Central Asian caravanserai. 30 thousand rubles were spent on construction. But the building, completed in 1706, was hardly used for trade. Merchants preferred to trade and settle in Nizhny Posad.

In the second half of the XVIII century the building housed the Tatar commission, verbal court, merchant hotel. In 1764, the provincial pharmacy was located in Gostiny Dvor, and after the Great Fire of 1788, the provincial offices were transferred there. In the XIX century the building housed a convict company. In the XX century there was an archive here.

Currently, the Gostiny Dvor building houses the Museum of Siberian Entrepreneurship, a hotel, a cafe and shopping malls.

St. Sophia-Assumption Cathedral


The oldest stone building of the Tobolsk Kremlin is the St. Sophia Assumption Cathedral. The predecessors of the stone cathedral were two wooden cathedrals. The first church was laid by Archbishop Cyprian, who arrived in Tobolsk in 1622 from Veliky Novgorod, in honor of the main Novgorod Cathedral. The temple stood for almost 20 years, and died in a fire on August 14, 1643.

The second wooden Sophia had 13 chapters. Contemporaries called it the "Siberian miracle". The city fires spared neither crowns, nor carvings, nor the ploughshare of the domes — on May 29, 1677, the temple burned down.

The third Sofia was already built of stone. In 1681, the temple was laid, but construction was started only two years later, when Moscow "stone apprentices" G. Sharypin and G. Tyutin arrived in Tobolsk, with master V. Kharitonov and S. Larionov and an artel of masons. The date of consecration of the Cathedral in the name of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is October 27, 1686. According to some reports, the famous artist Ivan Nikitin and his brother Roman painted the temple.

This symbol of Siberian Orthodoxy had to endure a lot in its lifetime. In 1807, a large pond was dug in the Sofia courtyard, which caused a crack along the western wall of the temple. On July 13, 1839, lightning struck the cathedral. In 1846, a hurricane damaged the heads of the temple. In 1864, a storm disrupted the western chapter.

In 1930, the cathedral was closed and used to house dispossessed peasants, and then a warehouse. In 1966, the exhibition hall of the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve was opened in the cathedral. In 1977, restoration work began. In 2005, the domes were gilded, a new iconostasis was installed, and interior work began. In March 2011, the restoration work was completed.

Cathedral Sacristy

In the XVIII century, the building of the sacristy was attached to the St. Sophia-Assumption Cathedral. For many years, precious objects were kept in the sacristy: silver cups, gold crosses, metropolitan mitres. According to legend, one of the Ermakov banners was kept here.
The Siberian historian and theologian Alexander Ivanovich Sulotsky in the second half of the XIX century left a description of the precious things of the cathedral sacristy, crosses, shrouds, airs, vestments, panagia, staffs, etc.

From the description of the items of the church sacristy: Gospels — 12 (the oldest dated 1677), altar crosses — 10 (the most valuable dated 1621 and was presented to the first Archbishop Cyprian by Patriarch Filaret), sacred vessels — 10, shrouds — 2, air — 22, silver buckets — 3, episcopal vestments — 9, mitres — 17, hoods — 2, silver lamps — 16, silver candlesticks — 16, etc. There are 288 books in the cathedral library. The number of all items, according to Sulotsky, was 557.

In 1902, based on the collection of the sacristy, a church ancient repository was opened. At the time of opening, there were 908 items in it.

Pokrovsky Cathedral


In 1743, by order of Metropolitan Anthony II (Narozhnitsky), the Intercession (winter) Cathedral was laid, because the cathedral was not heated in the cold season, and it was quite difficult to hold a service in it. Even on big holidays, when the temple was full of people, the temperature did not rise above 7 degrees in it.

The temple was built for three years and consecrated in the name of St. Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves. In the first half of the XIX century the Intercession Cathedral was painted with oil paintings, however, by a rather mediocre artist.
In 1867, at the expense of the Tobolsk merchant Nikolai Nevolin, a northern chapel and a stone "tent" for church needs were added to the church. The temple itself was named Pokrovsky.

In terms of the Intercession Cathedral is similar to a four-pointed (Latin) cross. One of the heads of the temple has the shape of a Chinese pagoda, from which we can conclude about the influence of the East on the architecture of Siberia.
Among the famous icons of the Intercession Cathedral, three were singled out: the icon of Christ the Savior sitting on the throne, the icon of the Theotokos Odigitria in a silver salary with a decoration decorated with pearls and precious stones, and the icon of the Mother of God, called Tobolsk. The last of the mentioned icons was copied from the Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God in the 1730s. In 1848, Tobolsk merchant Yakov Petrovich Ershov, after healing from illness after praying before this image, issued a silver robe from Moscow, worth 500 rubles.

In the chapel of the Intercession Cathedral there was a rich icon of John Chrysostom. The saint was depicted tall, with a stern face, a long gray beard and long gray hair.

Divine services in the Intercession Cathedral were performed constantly, since it was possible to serve in the cold St. Sophia Cathedral for no more than three months a year. The Pokrovsky Cathedral was called the "winter cathedral".
After the October Revolution, the Intercession Cathedral remained active for quite a long time and was closed only in 1937, at the height of Stalin’s repressions.

After the closure of the cathedral, the iconostasis was destroyed, the wall painting was erased during the "overhaul", and in the same year the building was adapted for a public dining room. However, since 1939 the building has been empty.
The church was returned to believers in 1945. In 1946, an iconostasis appeared in the cathedral, left over from the destroyed Church of the Savior of the village of Bronnikovo. It has been preserved to this day.

Тобольский тюремный замок


В северо-западном углу Тобольского кремля находится Тобольский тюремный замок. В марте 1838 г. в Санкт-Петербурге был утвержден проект губернского архитектора Вейгеля о строительстве этой тюрьмы: «По высочайшему повелению, объявленному Его Сиятельству господину Генерал-губернатору, западной Сибири господином Главнокомандующем путями и сообщения и публичными сооружениями от 30 апреля 1938 года за № 1341, разрешена постройка в г. Тобольске каменного тюремного замка на 250 подсудимых и 500 арестантов, по плану Высочайше утвержденному по проекту губернского архитектора Вейгеля».
Постройку предполагалось произвести в 4 года, начиная с 1841 г. Были назначены публичные торги на производство всех работ с опубликованием вызовов через столичные газеты и губернские ведомости. Губернскому архитектору Суворову было поручено рас планирование места под строительство. Таким местом стала территория в верхней части города на Троицком мысу, у его северо-западной кромки. При смене здесь стен Тобольского кремля в 1782 г. и разбора ветхой Троицкой церкви в 1791 г. здесь образовалась значительная свободная площадка.
После перемещения Вейгеля в Пермь, работами продолжали руководить несколько архитекторов, окончание строительство принадлежало Губернскому архитектору, титулярному советнику Черненко.
С 1846 по 1849 г. строительство Тюремного комплекса в основном было закончено, но при приеме комиссия сочла, слишком высокими помещения боковых одноэтажных флигелей, и они были переделаны понижены. Эти и другие переделки, а также достройка церкви задержали открытие тюрьмы до 1855 года. Об объеме выполненных работ говорит тот факт, что на постройку Тюремного замка была затрачена сумма в 130 тысяч рублей серебром. Освящение построенного Тюремного замка и тюремной церкви во имя Александра Невского состоялось 25 ноября 1855 года. Тюрьма была построена на 750 чел., но обычно меньше полутора тысяч в нем не бывало.
В тюремном замке содержались арестанты разряда ссыльные и пересыльные, заключенные на сроки по судебным приговорам, срочные и бессрочные. При размещении арестантов в тюрьму соблюдалось требование закона о подразделении по полам, возрастам и категориям преступлении. Срочные, подследственные, пересыльные арестанты содержались в особых, изолированных отделениях, где была возможность дифференциации режимов. Дети арестантов помещались совместно с арестантами.
В штате тюремного замка состоял священник. В его обязанности входило духовно-нравственная сторона жизни арестантов. По мере возможности, он старался утверждать арестантов в правилах православной церкви и гражданского долга. С этой целью священник вел с ними поучительные беседы, произносил собственные проповеди и выдавал грамотным для чтения Библию, Евангелие и книги нравственно-назидательного содержания.
Комплекс Тюремного замка состоит из пяти зданий. По своему внешнему виду они мало чем напоминали тюрьму, и только внутреннее расположение раскрывало облик и суть всего комплекса. Открывался комплекс административным зданием (штаб) с арочными проемами для ворот.
В центре находился смотровой корпус, в котором позднее была размещена тюремная больница. Здесь же до революции располагалась сапожная мастерская, складские помещения, аптека и карцеры для нарушителей режима.
Справа от смотрового находится корпус № 3 первоначально выстроенный для заключенных, следующих дальше на восток. В 1876 г. в этом корпусе было размещено военно-каторжное отделение, а в 1890 г. мастерские. В советское время в этом корпусе размещали нарушителей режима из первого и второго корпусов, здесь же находились воры-рецидивисты, убийцы и заключенные, приговоренные к смертной казни.
Корпус № 1 с тюремной церковью Александра Невского служил для содержания опасных уголовных преступников-рецидивистов. В 1882 г. корпус был разделен на две части: арестантское и каторжное отделение. После революции в корпусе содержались особо опасные преступники.
В корпусе № 2 до революции размещались политические заключенные, там же находилось и женское отделение. В советское время в корпусе содержались подследственные и малолетние преступники.
Корпуса построены по коридорной системе, по боковым сторонам от которого находились камеры — одно-, четырех- и восьмиместные. В самых сырых полуподвальных помещениях находились карцера для провинившихся.
Основные задачи, возложенные на Тюремный замок это содержание арестантов в крепости, отправка их на каторжные работы и поселение. Через тюремный замок прошли такие известные люди как поэт М. И. Михайлов, В. Г. Короленко и Н. Г. Чернышевский.
В июле 1907 и октябре 1918 года в Тюремном замке происходят два больших бунта, которые были подавлены с большой жестокостью.
В 1930-х годах тюрьма была ячейкой Тобольского опер/сектора НКВД. С 1937 по 1938 гг. в Тобольске было расстреляно 2500 человек, из которых только в ночь на 14 октября 1937 г. ‑ 217. В 1941 г. во время подхода немецко-фашистских войск к Москве в Тобольск были эвакуированы заключенные из Бутырской и Липецкой тюрем. Это была одна из самых серьезных тюрем, режим заключения в которых был строже, чем в колонии.
В 1970 г. на территории Тюремного замка были прорыты подземные ходы, отныне вывод на работу и перевод заключенных из корпуса в корпус осуществлялся только по ним. В 1972 г. в тюрьме содержалось 1300 человек.
В 1989 году в интересах МВД СССР и жителей города было принято решение о переводе Тобольской тюрьмы в Харп, на приполярный Урал. До 1994 г. корпуса тюрьмы принадлежали епархии. Затем территория тюремного замка разделена на три части: к епархии отошли корпус № 2 и сиропитательный корпус. Штабной корпус, корпус тюремной больницы и корпуса № 1 и № 3 принадлежат музею-заповеднику. На основе корпуса, где размещались тюремные мастерские в настоящий момент выстроено новое здание архива.

Cathedral Bell Tower

The highest point of the Trinity Cape is the cathedral bell tower. The height of the bell tower is 72 meters. The first bell tower was the same age as the stone St. Sophia Cathedral and stood for 110 years. It collapsed because of the weight of the bells. The second bell tower was built only by a third, then dismantled. The preserved bell tower is already the third. It was built by architect Fyodor Utkin in 1797. There were 15 bells on the tiers of the bell tower. The largest had a weight of 1011 pounds 22 pounds (more than 16 124 kg). In addition to copper, about 300 kg of silver was added to the bell, which gave it a "silver" voice. The bell was cast in 1737 at the Tagil Demidov factory. The rest of the bells were smaller in weight and were granted to Tobolsk in different years. In 1809, a chiming clock made by Vasily Bayanov, a coachman from Verkhoturye, was installed on the bell tower.

In 1930, the Tobolsk "tsar-bell" was dropped from the bell tower and sent for melting. Other bells also did not escape this fate. In the 1970s and 80s, the bell tower was a branch of the museum-reserve. Currently, the bell tower has been returned to the diocese. On Christmas Day 2000, two new bells were raised to the bell tower: one weighing 5 tons, the other 2 tons. In December 2007, the largest bell in Siberia weighing 25 tons, manufactured at the Voronezh Bell Foundry, was raised to the bell tower. The diameter of the bell is 3.2 meters, the weight of the tongue is 770 kg.

Towers of the Tobolsk Kremlin

In the old days, the Tobolsk Kremlin had nine towers. To our time, since the end of the XVII century, only two have survived — the Peacock and the Southern Round.

The Peacock Tower is named after Metropolitan Paul I, under whom stone construction began in Tobolsk. The tower is ordinary, non-rectangular. A section of the fortress wall of the late XVII century has been preserved near the tower.

The southern round tower has a height of 17 meters and a wall thickness of more than a meter. Along the circumference of the tower there are firing ranges for cannons. An eleven-sided tent is arranged on top. The tower could be used as a citadel.

The south-eastern round tower was used as a fire tower in the XIX century. During the restoration work in the second half of the twentieth century, the top of the tower was restored. Already in modern times, the tower was decorated with a weather vane in the form of a trumpeting angel.

A square tower is built into the eastern corner of the fortress walls. It is known that the first square tower on this site was built at the end of the XVII century, by a team of masons led by Gavrila Tyutin. The tower was located on the very edge of the Trinity Cape. Due to the threat of collapse, it was dismantled and erected to the west in large sizes so that the fortress wall became an integral part of it. Sources indicate that the tower was used not only for military purposes, but also for household needs. During the restoration of the line of fortress walls in the second half of the twentieth century. a fragment of the fortress wall built into a square tower was taken as a sample.

The northern round tower of the Kremlin is more often called the Oryol Tower, because it is the only one of the towers that bears state symbols — the double-headed eagle. Rectangular, adapted for conducting an upper battle. It was built at the end of the XVII century. It was destroyed, then in the 1970s it was restored according to the prototype of the southern round tower.

Bishop's House

The fifth "wandering" bishop’s house is located on the territory of the Sofia Courtyard of the Tobolsk Kremlin. Four previous ones were built and dismantled in different parts of the Tobolsk Kremlin.

The building of the Bishop’s Palace is an example of civil architecture of the second half of the XVIII century. It was founded in 1773. Two house churches were arranged in the bishop’s palace: on the second floor — for the bishop, on the third — for servants and guests.

The church in the name of the Descent of the Holy Spirit was founded in 1776, consecrated in 1784. In 1833, the church was rebuilt by Archbishop Athanasius, an altar with a beautiful iconostasis by the artist Sheludkov and a carving by the peasant Ivan Gironkin was added. Among the church utensils of this temple, the altar cross is remarkable, donated on September 28, 1675 by the governor of Tobolsk Ivan Borisovich Repnin, after the healing of his son Anikita from a serious illness after praying before the icon of the Abalak Mother of God.

On the second floor of the bishop’s house there was a large reception hall. There was music and conversations. Usually, after the meeting, the guests went up to the house church of All Saints. On the third floor of the bishop’s house, in 1790, a small church in the name of All Saints was laid, consecrated in 1795.

In 1920, an orphanage was placed in the bishop’s house. In 1925, the Tobolsk Museum of the North was located in the building. In 1926, the Tobolsk State Museum merged with the Museum of Fine Arts. In the late 1950s, large-scale restoration and restoration work began in the Tobolsk Kremlin. In 1961, the Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve was established. The museum expositions were located in the bishop’s house until 2007. Currently, the building is used jointly by the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve and the Tobolsk-Tyumen Metropolis.

Fraternal (monastic) corps

In 1787, a monastic (fraternal) building was built between the Orel and square towers. Initially, the building was used for the needs of the spiritual consistory. In 1788, the building was damaged in a Large fire, but was soon restored according to the project of the provincial architect A. Guchev. In the second half of the XIX century the building was adapted for monastic cells, it was called the "monastic building". At the beginning of the twentieth century, it housed the printing house of the Diocesan Brotherhood. Currently, teachers of the Tobolsk Theological Seminary live in it.

Spiritual Consistory

In the center of the Sofia Courtyard is a long two-story building of the Tobolsk Ecclesiastical Consistory, built in the 1780s. In the middle of the XVII century, a Bishop’s Order was created in the Siberian diocese to persecute heretics. In 1744, it was replaced by a spiritual consistory. The consistory is a church body dealing with schismatics, sectarians, heretics, and sorcerers. In the XIX — early XX century the activity of the consistory changed. Sorcerers were not actively persecuted, but they vigilantly monitored the moral appearance of the parishioners. The consistory considered quarrels between peasants, petitions for divorce.

In Soviet times, the building housed the Tobolsk Jung school, then a music school.

In 1990, underground passages were found in the Kremlin, extending from the northern part of the consistory towards the diocesan hotel. 13 m of the passage was passed, which was a long corridor, on both sides of which small cells, similar to single cells, adjoined. Currently, the building belongs to the Tobolsk-Tyumen Metropolia, it houses one of the academic buildings of the theological seminary.

The bell tower of the Uglich Bell

The first exile in Siberia was not a man, but a bell from Uglich, sent to Tobolsk in 1593.
The exile of the bell to Tobolsk has a background. The last wife of Tsar Ivan IV, Ivan the Terrible, Maria Nagoi, was sent to Uglich. May 15, 1591 in Uglich, the youngest son of Tsar Ivan IV, the heir to the Russian throne, Tsarevich Dmitry, was killed. The tsar’s nurse pointed out Godunov’s servants as the assassins of the tsarevich, while the alarm was being rung. The Uglich crowd literally tore them apart. The riot was suppressed, two hundred Uglichs were executed, the rest were exiled to the Pelym prison and they dragged the alarm bell with them, which was punished in the medieval tradition: it lost its "ear" and "tongue", was beaten with whips.

After an investigation by the commission, it was found that the prince stabbed himself in an attack of falling sickness (epilepsy).

In Tobolsk, the "kornouhiy" bell was originally placed by the alarm on the bell tower of the Church of the Most Merciful Saviour, then it became on the cathedral bell tower until 1780. In 1797, a new bell tower was built, where the bell was installed after the Great Fire of 1788.
From June 2 to June 4, 1837, the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich (the future Emperor Alexander II), visited Tobolsk, examined the exile bell and rang it.

In 1868, a stone tent was built for the bell, known to us as the bell tower of the Uglich Bell.

In 1888, the residents of Uglich began to ask Tobolyaks to return the exiled bell. At first, the Tobolians placed the bell in the provincial museum and refused to give it away, however, after the petition of the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod of Smirnov to Emperor Alexander III in 1892, the bell was sent to Uglich by the steamer "Light", and with the proceeds for it 600 rubles, a dummy was ordered to the exiled Pole Florian Lyakhmayer.
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