Oktyabrskaya Street

(along Bolshaya Petropavlovskaya Street)
Oktyabrskaya Street (Petropavlovskaya) is one of the central streets in the historical part of Tobolsk, where many famous people lived in the old days — V.I. Neudachin, Lieutenant Colonel S.D. Danilov, Decembrist M.N. Fonvizin, N.S. Znamensky.

The street was called Bolshaya Peter and Paulskaya after the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The first wooden Peter and Paul Church was built in the second half of the XVII century. In 1768, the stone church of Peter and Paul was laid, where on June 26 (July 9) the miraculous icon of the Pochaev Mother of God was brought from the Ioanno-Vvedensky Convent.

On October 25, 2010, a monument to F.M. Dostoevsky, made by sculptor Mikhail Pereyaslavets, was erected near the temple.

Behind the Church of Peter and Paul is the building of the old prison, erected during the reign of Empress Catherine II. In the Tobolsk prison, criminals and prisoners were kept, there were their own executioners, who were chosen among the prisoners who deserved trust. At the end of the XVIII century the prison was completely rebuilt in view of the large number of exiles. There were "special numbers" where particularly dangerous criminals were kept. In 1855, a new prison was opened in Tobolsk — the Tobolsk Prison Castle.

On Oktyabrskaya Street there is one of the oldest hotels in Tobolsk — the Tobol Hotel, built in 1978. Now it is a modern hotel complex with its own restaurant, bowling alley, nightclub, billiards and sauna. From the hotel "Tobol" there is a street in the ravine — a bath log, where the townspeople have long put baths.

At the intersection of Oktyabrskaya and Doronin Streets there are buildings of the Tobolsk Fishing Technical School, one of the oldest educational institutions in the city. From the opening in 1930 to the Great Patriotic War, 312 specialists left the walls of the college.
Along Bolshaya Petropavlovskaya Street

Bolshaya Petropavlovskaya Street originates from Nikolsky vozvoz and is one of the central streets in the historical part of Tobolsk. From the very foundation of the city, the street was built up with houses of the townspeople and Streltsy. The street is crossed by the fortifications of old Tobolsk — the prison walls of 1644 and 1661. The wall of 1644 ran perpendicular to the street in the area of the Theotokos-Assumption Monastery. The prison of 1661 began from the shore of the Irtysh and ended with a Bath log. The end of the street was an earthen rampart, filled in 1688.

In the "Official Drawing Book" of Remezov, the street is called Petropavlovsk, Perm and Nikolskaya, with a length "in the output up to the shaft … 800 fathoms with a yard". Nikolskaya Street was named after the Nikolskaya Church, Peter and Paul Street — after the Church of Peter and Paul. In the XIX century the street was rarely called Nikolskaya, more often called Bolshaya Petropavlovsk.

At the very beginning of the street there is a two-story wooden house built at the end of the XIX century, then the house belonged to the actual state councilor Nikolai Vasilyevich Neudachin.

On Bolshaya Petropavlovskaya Street there was a large wooden house with a mezzanine. It was built in 1830 by Lieutenant Colonel S.D. Danilov. In September 1845, the Fonvizins bought this house in the parish of the Church of Peter and Paul. After leaving Tobolsk in April 1853, Natalia Dmitrievna presented the house to Nikolai Stepanovich Znamensky. He later sold it to the cathedral.
Next to the estate there was a two-storey house of the merchant widow Ermolaeva, in which at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries the exiled revolutionary-narodnik, poet Pavel Arsenyevich Grabovsky rented an apartment.

Opposite the Fonvizin estate, on the odd side of the street, there was a wooden house in which at the beginning of the twentieth century there lived a famous researcher of Siberia and the Far North, geographer and ethnographer, chief forester of the Tobolsk province Alexander Alexandrovich Dunin-Gorkavich. A prominent scientist and local historian Dunin-Gorkavich made a significant contribution to Russian science.
Further north, Bolshaya Petropavlovskaya Street was built up with wooden merchant and petty bourgeois houses.

At the very end of Peter and Paul Street there was a wine shop, causing trouble to decent citizens. "On Petropavlovskaya Street on the mountain near the wine shop, drunk men and women gather daily before the shop closes; drinking vodka on the street, they swear despite the passing audience and cheekily beg for pennies… There is no police post here, why the drunken public is not shy and not afraid."

At the end of the XIX century, summer camps of the Tobolsk military garrison were located behind the Bath Log. There is also a Filthy pond here.

[1] Сибирский листок. 1910. № 109. С. 1.

Peter and Paul Church
Oktyabrskaya Str.
The first wooden Peter and Paul Church was built in the second half of the XVII century. In 1765, the church was destroyed in a fire. Instead, a wooden Forerunner church was transported from the Ioanno-Vvedensky Monastery.

In 1768, the stone church of Peter and Paul was laid. The main altar was consecrated in the name of the Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul, and two side chapels — in the name of Metropolitan Alexei of Moscow and St. Nil Stolbensky. In 1807, a bell tower was erected. There was a parish cemetery attached to the church.

In ancient Tobolsk, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Pochaevskaya from the Ioanno-Vvedensky Monastery was brought to the city. On June 26, the icon was brought to the Peter and Paul Church. Three days later, after the liturgy, she was solemnly taken to St. Andrew’s Church.

The staff of the church included a priest and a psalmist. Priests Nikolai Sedakov, John Molchanov, Alexander Rumyantsev, John Goloshubin, John Surgutskov, Peter Kuznetsov, Mikhail Lavrov served in the Peter and Paul Church in different years.

The parish of the church included nine villages: Anisimova, Serebryanka, Ivanovskaya, Utemova, Klyusova, Tokareva, Alemasova, Denisova and Sokolova.

On April 13, 1903, at one o’clock in the afternoon, a fire started in the Peter and Paul Church from an unknown cause, which was extinguished. The losses from the fire amounted to about one thousand rubles, as the iconostasis was damaged, the paint on the icons was blown up, and the whole room was blackened
In August 1904, Peter Kuznetsov, a priest of the Peter and Paul Church, was sent to the front of the Russian-Japanese War as a regimental priest of the 9th Siberian Infantry Tobolsk Regiment.

On August 5, 1912, the funeral service of Tobolsk merchant Alexander Adrianovich Syromyatnikov, who died on August 4 at 7 p.m., was held in the Peter and Paul Church.

In the 1930s, the church lost its crosses and fence, and a wooden ceiling was built inside the temple above the first tier.

In 1989 — 1992, the newly opened Tobolsk Theological Seminary was located in the church. The temple began to be restored by the forces of the first students of the seminary under the guidance of mentors and teachers. As a result, during the first academic year, a huge amount of construction and repair work was carried out, the second floor was equipped, where the sacristy, administrative offices, educational and residential premises were equipped. In 2012, restoration work continued. Currently, the temple has been restored.
Dunin-Gorkavich's estate
The estate was bought by Alexander Alexandrovich Dunin-Gorkavich in August 1909 from the state councilor Ivan Yakovlevich Kisel. After the purchase of the estate, the new owner made some redevelopment of the services inside the estate and renovated the main house — changed its design and appearance. After the revolution, the building was nationalized. Only half of the house was left in the property of Dunin-Gorkavich.
The family of the Tobolsk local historian and researcher of the North lived with him in two rooms in the second wing, the rest of the premises, according to historians, were rented to them for tenants. The main house and wing, located on the street. Oktyabrskaya was transferred to the ownership of the City Committee in 1924, where communal apartments were later founded.

After the death of Dunin-Gorkavich, the widow settled in a small room of the wing, in which she lived until the end of her life, until 1940. The Osipov family settled in the two rooms that they had previously occupied with her husband, at the invitation of Anna Evangelovna. The famous mathematician, academician, now ex-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Sergeyevich Osipov was born in this Tobolsk family in 1936. Thanks to his active assistance, by the forces and means of the Tobolsk Integrated Scientific Station of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the estate was reconstructed according to the plan of 1928. The main house of the estate houses the Museum of the History of the Development and Study of Siberia, named after the scientist. There is also a memorial office of Alexander Alexandrovich Dunin-Gorkavich, which presents his personal belongings and part of the archive of the scientist-researcher of the North. Today, museum exhibits tell Tobolians and guests of the city about the scientific heritage of our countryman A.A. Dunin-Gorkavich.

Filthy Pond

Filthy pond is a natural reservoir on the outskirts of the city, which is connected to underground springs. It is marked on the map of Tobolsk in 1794.

The city authorities ordered the residents of the mountainous part of Tobolsk to use a Filthy pond for fire-fighting purposes.

And here’s how the townspeople actually used it:
"On a Filthy pond, the bridge is all in water, frozen to ice; the railing is visible no more than a quarter of an arshina; part of the boards from the bridge is knocked out and there is no access to the pond, which is a great inconvenience in the event of a fire on the mountain" (Siberian Leaf. 1901. No. 26. p. 2).

"The neighbors of the Filthy pond complain that cabbage barrels are soaked in this pond" (Siberian Leaf. 1911. No. 79. p.2).

Tobolsk Reserve Infantry Battalion

In 1865, the 50th Tobolsk Provincial Battalion was created. In 1876 it became known as the Tobolsk Battalion, and in 1882 — the Tobolsk Reserve Infantry Cadre Battalion.

Until 1888, the barracks of the Tobolsk Reserve Infantry Battalion were located on Rotnaya Street (Kazarmennaya), and then they were transferred to the mountainous part of the city, to Bolshaya Petropavlovsk Street, beyond the Filthy Pond. In 1891, the Tobolsk Reserve Infantry cadre battalion was headed by Colonel Nikolai Petrovich Ignatiev, battalion adjutant Lieutenant Anton Vladimirovich Stankevich.

In 1900, the composition of the Tobolsk Reserve Infantry battalion was as follows: commander — Colonel Darmidont Apollonovich Rudnitsky; junior staff captain — Alexander Yefimovich Redko; head of household — Captain Stepan Nikolaevich Mameev; battalion adjutant — Lieutenant Alexander Alexandrovich Danilov; treasurer — Lieutenant Alexander Petrovich Zoshchenko; head of weapons — Lieutenant Alexander Ivanovich Popov; battalion quartermaster — Lieutenant Innokenty Yakovlevich Vakhlachev; head of the training team — Lieutenant Henry Feofanovich Segen. Company commanders, captains: 1st — Anton Vladimirovich Stankevich; 2nd — Nikolai Ivanovich Zakharov; 3rd — Pavel Petrovich Serebrennikov; 4th — Nikolai Artamonovich Lebedev; 5th — Semyon Fedorovich Biryukov. Junior officers: staff captains — Leopold Gustavovich Berens, Fedor Gavrilovich Ermolaev and Alexey Petrovich Zoshchenko; lieutenants — Pavel Petrov Sapozhnikov, Grigory Ivanovich Altuev, Alexander Mikhailovich Voskresensky, Viktor Efimovich Parkachev, Vyacheslav Petrovich Makarov, Grigory Petrovich Serebrennikov, Pyotr Iosifovich Tyshko and Pyotr Nikandrovich Gorlov; The sub-lieutenants are Fedor Egorovich Subbotin, Semyon Alexandrovich Horseradish, Mikhail Konstantinovich Gavrilov, Pyotr Nikandrovich Somov, Konstantin Alexandrovich Zhadkevich, Nikolai Nikolaevich Stroganov, Alexander Ivanovich Navalikhin, Pyotr Fedorovich Shestakov and Nikolai Fedorovich Ponomarev; the sub-lieutenant is Innokenty Andreevich Anuchin. Doctors: senior — collegiate adviser Arkady Borisovich Dronzikov, junior — Pavel Ivanovich Bochkovsky. The clerk is Fedor Vikentievich Telyatnikov.

Monument to "Defenders of the Fatherland at all times"

The monument to "Defenders of the Fatherland at all Times", located on the square near the building of the military commissariat of the city of Tobolsk and the Tobolsk district, was inaugurated in November 1996.

The idea and authorship of the monument belongs to the combatant in Afghanistan, the military commissar, сolonel Vasily Pavlovich Protsenko.

The monument attracts people of all generations, commemorative events and flower-laying ceremonies are held here.

The House of Neudachin

At the very beginning of Oktyabrskaya Street (formerly Bolshaya Petropavlovsk) there is a two-story wooden house built at the end of the XIX century, then the house belonged to the actual state councilor Nikolai Vasilyevich Neudachin.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Neudachin was born on March 8, 1861. He graduated from the Tobolsk Gymnasium, then studied at St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Law. After serving his compulsory military service, in 1887, he joined the Tobolsk Provincial Court. In 1889 he moved to the Tobolsk State Chamber. Since 1892, Neudachin was a vowel of the Tobolsk City Duma, while performing several duties. From January 12, 1894, he was chairman of the council of the Tobolsk Craft School. From 1895 to 1897, he was an official of special assignments under the Tobolsk governor. From April 4, 1896, Neudachin was chairman of the commission on the House of Diligence. Gentleness of character, kindness, compliance and the ability to respect someone else’s opinion were the hallmark of Nikolai Vasilyevich. In the last years of his service, he was a trustee of the agricultural school. He was not destined to live until the opening of the school. On December 22, 1899, Nikolai Vasilyevich Neudachin died of fleeting consumption.

In addition to a two-story house designed for two apartments, there was a one-apartment wing and a detached kitchen in the Neudachin estate. In the main house of the estate in apartments No. 1a and 1b a large family of the Neudachins lived, apartment No. 2 was occupied by the Tobolsk vice-governor hereditary nobleman Nikolai Vasilyevich Protasyev with his wife and servants, in the second house in apartment No. 3 the watchman of the printing house philistine Semyon Nikitich Karpov lived with his family. After the death of the head of the family due to huge debts and financial difficulties, the widow and children had to move into the wing, and the main house was rented to tenants.

In 1911, the building at the address Bolshaya Petropavlovsk str., 2 was owned by the heirs of Neudachin. Under this year, 35 people lived in the house.
In 1924, the house on the street was marked. Oktyabrskaya, 2 was municipalized. In the Soviet years, the national orphanage "Krasny Vostok" was located there, then the city department of public education.

After many years of restoration, it houses a bone-cutting workshop and a private museum of the history of bone-cutting, founded by Minsalim Timergazeev, as well as the object of museum display of the structural unit of the Tyumen Museum and Educational Association of the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve — the complex "House of Masters", whose activities are focused on preserving traditional Siberian culture and folk crafts.

Fonvizin House

On Bolshaya Petropavlovskaya there was a large wooden house with a mezzanine. It was built in 1830 by Lieutenant Colonel S.D. Danilov. In 1838, retired Major-General Decembrist Mikhail Alexandrovich Fonvizin (nephew of the writer Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, author of the famous "Nedoroslya") arrived in Tobolsk with his wife Natalia Dmitrievna (nee Apukhtina).

In September 1845, the Fonvizins bought this house in the parish of the Church of Peter and Paul. On September 8, 2845, in a letter to Kuchelbecker, Mikhail Alexandrovich wrote: "We finally bought a house on the mountain, which we will move to in early October."

In 1853 Natalia Dmitrievna also bought the house of her neighbor, titular councilor Stepan Medovschikov. So the estate had two residential buildings.
The Fonvizins' house was the center of the cultural and spiritual life of the city. In the evenings, friends gathered at their place, talked, argued. Fonvizins received different Russian and foreign magazines. The Fonvizin family lived in Tobolsk for 15 years, in Siberia -27.

In February 1853, the Fonvizins left for Central Russia, in the Moscow region due to the illness of the younger brother of the Decembrist Ivan.
After leaving Tobolsk in April 1853, Natalia Dmitrievna gave both houses to Nikolai Stepanovich Znamensky as a gift. Later he sold them to the cathedral.
From January 5, 1930, the house of the Decembrist Fonvizin was assigned to the Tobolsk Museum. Since 1956, there is a children’s library.

The house has not been preserved.

Grabovsky House
(Ermolaeva House)

Grabovsky’s house was located on Bolshaya Petropavlovsk Street (Anna Dmitrievna Ermolaeva’s house on Petropavlovsk Street No. 10). In this house, from 1901 to 1902, the Ukrainian revolutionary poet Pavel Arsentievich Grabovsky spent his last days.
He died in Tobolsk on December 12, 1902, dying bequeathed to bury him next to the Decembrists. And so it rests — in the Graveyard, behind the graves of the Decembrists.

Description of the house in 1969: "Medical school. Oktyabrskaya, 10. Two-storey wooden house, sheathed with a horizontal board, under a four-pitched roof with a dormer window, on the windows platbands with overhead carving." After 1988 the house was dismantled for the purpose of restoration, and after 1990 the project was forgotten.

Tobol Hotel


On Oktyabrskaya Street there is one of the oldest hotels in Tobolsk — the Tobol Hotel, built in 1978. It was a typical Soviet hotel with a set of necessary services for guests. There was also a restaurant at the hotel. In the 1990s the next owners tried to keep it alive by opening a cinema or a nightclub. In the early 2010s, the new owners carried out a radical reconstruction of the hotel, turning it into a modern hotel complex. Modern hotel rooms have been supplemented with new suites. The hotel has a restaurant "Kornilyev", a bowling alley, a night club, billiards and a sauna.

Residential house


At the initiative of the chairman of the Tobolsk City Executive Committee A.G. Elfimov, art workshops called "attics" were opened in the attic rooms of a residential building on Oktyabrskaya Street, 61 in 1988−1989. The workshops in different years were occupied by artists: G.S. Bochanov, P.P. Tokarev, G.S. Gubin, A.S. Kholodov, M.G. Polkov, A.I. Ilyinykh, N.I. Sitko, I.G. Purtov, E.M. Khabisov, as well as young artists Dmitry Alferov, Mikhail Turyshev, Mikhail Gorskov and Rodion Bekshenev. Currently, the workshops of V.I. Iglovikov and N.M. Boatswain remain in the house.

Botsman Nikolai Pavlovich

He was born on April 12, 1958 in Barnaul, where he received his primary art education under the guidance of teacher A.A. Shtan. From 1973−1977 he studied at the Yaroslavl Art College. He is a graduate of the Art and Graphic Faculty of the Omsk Pedagogical Institute. Gorky (1980−1986). Since 1986 — participant of city, regional, zonal exhibitions. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1994.
Nikolai Pavlovich is a follower of the Russian realistic school of painting and instills the same principles in his students at the Tobolsk Children’s Art School (now the Alyabyev Children’s Art School, the V.G. Perov Art Department), where he has been teaching since 1986.
The artist’s works are based mainly on field observations and are dedicated to the old town and its surroundings. Color, texture, and compositional construction become the means by which a special mood is recreated: calm, peaceful or inspired, cheerful. Each work reflects the inner feelings of the artist. The simplicity and honesty of the author, who knows how to find beauty in the most ordinary, invariably arouse the sympathy of the viewer.

Bochanov Grigory Stepanovich

Born on May 10, 1922 in Sweet village in Krutinsky district of the Omsk region. After the death of his parents, he was brought up in the orphanage of S. Vasyugan. He graduated from high school in the Omsk region. In 1941−1947 he served in the Red Army, in the Kamchatka Naval Flotilla, which was assigned to the coast Guard of the Pacific Fleet. Participated in the war with Japan. He was awarded the Order of the "Patriotic War" II degree and the medal "For the Victory over Japan".
In 1947, he joined the Tobolsk branch of the Tyumen Association "Artist". In 1948, together with other artists, he took an active part in the organization of an art workshop in Tobolsk. In 1948−1951 he studied at the Tobolsk art studio, under P.N. Lazutyatsky. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1956.
Participant of city, regional, zonal, republican exhibitions. Participated in the creation of the Tobolsk branch of the Tyumen Organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. He was elected a member of the Art Council, a member of the Board of the Tyumen Organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR.
Bochanov’s solo exhibitions were held in 1972 (Tobolsk, TGIAMZ; Tyumen, TCG; Yalutorovsk, the Museum of the Memory of the Decembrists) and in 1984 (Tyumen, TCG; Tobolsk, TGIAMZ).
He was awarded the A.A. Dunin-Gorkavich Prize. Honored Citizen of Tobolsk (2002). His works are in museums in Tobolsk, Tyumen, Samara, Kislovodsk, cities of the North of the Tyumen region, in private collections in the USA, Italy, Poland, Germany. Grigory Stepanovich died on September 6, 2012.

Gubin Gennady Semenovich

Born on August 4, 1938 in Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region. He studied at the Ural School of Applied Arts (1955−1960), at the Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial School named after V.I. Mukhina under K.B. Petrushin (1965−1971).
Since 1972, he has been living and working in Tobolsk. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1980. An artist of decorative and applied art. The author of landscapes, tapestries, batik, applications. The artist’s works are in museums in Tobolsk, Tyumen, Surgut, the Slavyanskaya Hotel, in private collections in Russia, France, Germany, Canada, America, Poland. Continues to actively participate in the cultural life of the city.

Anatoly Ivanovich Ilyinykh

He was born on November 1, 1946 in the Sverdlovsk region, in a peasant family. He graduated from the Ural School of Applied Arts in Nizhny Tagil. Since 1975 he has lived and worked in Tobolsk. In 1975−1985 he made trips from Tobolsk to Salekhard. The result of them were numerous watercolors. Participant of All-Union, republican, zonal and regional exhibitions. The works are in the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve, in the Novosibirsk Art Gallery, as well as in private collections in the country and abroad.

Polyakov Mikhail Grigorievich

Born on September 19, 1948 in Tobolsk. He studied at the I.E. Repin Institute (1975−1981) with A.D. Zaitsev, L.V. Khudyakov. Member of the USSR Collective Farm since 1985 .
Painter, landscape painter. The author of thematic compositions, portraits, still lifes. Participant of city, regional, zonal, republican, All-Union, international exhibitions.
The works are in the Tyumen Museum of Fine Arts, the Tobolsk State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, in private collections of Russia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Germany, America, England, Italy. From 1981 to 1987 he lived in Tyumen, since 1987 — in Tobolsk. He went missing in August 2017.

Ivan Grigoryevich Purtov

He was born in 1938 in the village of Oktyabrsky in a strong peasant family. His parents were dispossessed and expelled from the village of Labino in the Yurginsky district of the Omsk region. During the war, my father was drafted into the labor army. The mother, in order to save the younger children from starvation, transferred them to the Karachi orphanage, and she got a job near the children, in the village of Degtyarevo. It was in the orphanage that the boy’s interest in drawing manifested itself. Vanya tried to imitate the older guys who draw well and his beloved teacher. After graduating from the seven-year-old Ivan went to the Tobolsk River School, and after finishing it, he passed several navigations. But the craving for drawing led Ivan to Omsk, where the landscape painter I.Y. Sivokhin became his first mentor.
In 1968 Ivan Purtov entered the Ural School of Applied Arts in Nizhny Tagil. He graduated from the college in 1972, in the same year Purtov came to Tobolsk, where he began working in the workshops of the art fund. Ivan Grigorievich, as a muralist, was engaged in both mosaics and carvings. In his spare time Ivan painted watercolors. In 1982 he became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.
On July 11, 1997, the artist passed away after a long serious illness, but remained alive in his creative legacy. Ivan Grigoryevich’s works are in private collections in Russia, Italy, Finland, Yugoslavia, America, Poland, in the funds of the Tyumen Museum and Educational Association.

Sitko Nikolai Ivanovich

Born on December 18, 1950 in Chusov, Perm Krai. He studied at the architectural department of the Perm Construction College (1971−1974) and the Art and Graphic Faculty of the Nizhny Tagil Pedagogical Institute (1974−1979).
Since 1972 he has lived in Tobolsk. He worked in art workshops, taught at the D. I. Mendeleev Tobolsk State Pedagogical Institute (1997−2004), at the V. G. Perov Art School (1999−2004), was chairman of the Tobolsk branch of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation.
Member of the Union of Artists of Russia (2003). Painter, graphic artist. Participant of All-Russian, regional, city exhibitions. Personal exhibitions of the artist’s works have been held several times.
The works are in the Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, the Tyumen Museum of Fine Arts, the Surgut Art Museum, in private collections in Russia and abroad.

Tokarev Pyotr Prokopievich

He was born on December 2, 1923 in the village of Turaevo, Nizhnetavdinsky district, Tyumen region. He studied at the I.E. Repin Institute in Leningrad (1955−1961) under Yu.M. Neprintsev. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1965. Painter. The author of thematic compositions, portraitist, landscape painter. Chairman of the Board of the Tyumen Organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR (1972−1974). Participant of city, regional, zonal, republican, All-Union exhibitions. The works are in TMII, TGIAMZ, in private collections in Russia, France, America, Poland, Turkey. He lived in Tobolsk.

Anatoly Sergeevich Kholodov

Born on October 25, 1949 in Sverdlovsk. He studied at the Ural Architectural Institute with famous artists Herman Metelev and Alexander Burak. Since 1975 he has lived and worked in Tobolsk.
Having started working in his specialty at the Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant, Anatoly Sergeevich soon completely moved to work in the Art Workshops of the city (under the hood Fund of the Union of Artists), where he enthusiastically engaged in the creation of small architectural decorative forms, the design of exteriors and interiors of public buildings in rapidly growing Tobolsk. It was according to his project that the attics for the workshops of the artists of the city were built. The city was saturated with Kholodov’s works — commemorative signs, implemented architectural projects, logos, corporate styles of Tobolsk institutions (a recent example is the logo of the Georgievskaya Hotel): a commemorative sign "400 years of Tobolsk", the interior of the Optics store in the 8th microdistrict, the Teremok store in the 4th microdistrict, the NHK entrance sign memorable to everyone. At the same time, the artist was engaged in easel art, having mastered the technique of etching (he studied with the Oryol graphic artist Vyacheslav Romashov). The main theme of Anatoly Kholodov’s creativity was his favorite city.
Anatoly Kholodov has repeatedly turned to book illustrations. Tobolyaks are well aware of Lyudmila Barabanova’s "Sketches about the Protected City" with illustrations by Kholodov. In his last year, the artist published "The Humpbacked Horse": a miniature book in the author’s design and with his own illustrations.
From 1997 to 2002, A.S. Kholodov headed the Tobolsk branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, for which, thanks to his perseverance and perseverance during his presidency, he achieved an independent status.
Kholodov A.S. — participant (since 1977) of city, regional, zonal, republican and international exhibitions (USA, 1992; Germany, 1996). Solo exhibitions — in 1993, 2019, 2020 — in Tyumen; in 2005, 2008, 2017, 2021 — in Tobolsk. The works are in many museums of our country, as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad.
He passed away on September 4, 2016. He was buried in the main alley of the Zavalny cemetery (the author’s tombstone with a bas-relief auto-image). This exhibition in "Volnitsa" is the final in a five-year project of a traveling solo exhibition by Tobolsk artist Anatoly Kholodov. (from the article by E.P. Shvetsova "Out of time. Tobolsk Suite").
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