Neymyshev Street

In June 2012, it was decided to assign the M3 highway connecting Dziraev Avenue and Znamensky Street to the name of the chairman of the Tobolsk City Duma Viktor Neymyshev, who died on January 24, 2012, at the age of 76.

The name of Viktor Pavlovich Neymyshev is inextricably linked with the modern history of the ancient capital of Siberia. He was a wonderful man, a tireless worker, a wise leader, a patriot of his hometown. In June 1978, V.P. Neymyshev was appointed chief engineer of the Tobolsk Thermal Power plant under construction. Then he became the director of the thermal power plant. For his long and fruitful work, he was awarded the title of "Honored Power Engineer of Russia", he was awarded the honorary badge "For Services to the Russian energy Industry".

For his significant contribution to the development of Tobolsk, the City Duma awarded him the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Tobolsk". Viktor Pavlovich was one of the first to be awarded the medal "For Services to Tobolsk".

Citizens elected him three times as a deputy of the Tobolsk City Duma, he became chairman of the representative body of local self-government three times. For his fruitful work in municipal authorities, he was awarded the title of "Honorary Employee of state authorities and local self-government of the Tyumen region".
V.P. Neymyshev School No. 16
Neymyshev Str.
Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary School No. 16 named after V.P. Neymyshev" is located in the 10th microdistrict of the city (building No. 2 of the school is in the 15th microdistrict).

Construction of the school began in 1990. September 1, 1992 — the beginning of the first academic year. The construction of the school building has not been completed — training sessions were held in secondary schools №№ 4, 5, 9, 11, 12; kindergartens: No. 46, 48, 50.

On April 1, 1993, the school’s academic building was put into operation and training sessions began in it. At the same time, the school was assigned number 16. In 1996 — 1997, the construction of the school’s club and sports block was resumed, the grand opening of which took place on October 1, 1999.

Since 1999, the school has been the Center of educational and leisure work in the 10th microdistrict of the city of Tobolsk. The Republic of "Dal", a children’s organization of student self—government established in the 1998−1999 academic years, brought a new tradition to the history of school development — "Republican Elections".

During its short history, the school took part and became the winner and prize-winner of regional and All-Russian competitions.

In December 2019, a kindergarten and a new secondary school building were opened in the 15th microdistrict of Tobolsk. The kindergarten, which is a structural subdivision of the school, is equipped with all the necessary equipment, including for robotics classes. The new building of the school houses classrooms, sports and assembly halls, as well as laboratories and studios for scientific, technical and creative activities.

The second building of the school was built within the framework of the integrated social infrastructure development program "Tobolsk 2020", which is implemented by the government of the Tyumen region and the city administration with the support of SIBUR.
Tobolsk TPP
Neymyshev Str.
Tobolsk TPP (thermal power plant) is part of OJSC SIBUR, the main shareholder of which is PJSC SIBUR Holding, previously part of Fortum. It is a key supplier of heat and electricity for the city of Tobolsk, the only manufacturer and supplier of process steam for the Tobolsk Petrochemical Plant. The station was commissioned on July 9, 1983.

The equipment of the TPP consists of 5 steam turbines, 9 power boilers, 3 peak hot water boilers. Installed electric capacity — 665.3 MW, thermal — 2223 Gcal/h (2585.3 MW).

With the introduction into commercial operation in October 2011 of the adventure turbine K-110−1.6 station No. 5 operating blockwise with a steam turbine R-100−130/15 station No. 3 and a steam boiler TGME-428 station No. 9, the electric power of the station increased by 213.3 MW.

The chimneys reach a height of 270 meters, and one of them, like the pipe of the Vyborg TPP, is used as a power line support.
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