Mendeleev Avenue

Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich is a world-famous Russian scientist, encyclopedist, educator, citizen, patriot.
He was born in Tobolsk on January 27 (February 8), 1834 in the family of the director of the Tobolsk gymnasium Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev and Maria Dmitrievna, who came from the merchant family of the Kornilevs. From 1841 to 1849 he studied at the Tobolsk Men’s Gymnasium. In 1850 he entered the Main Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg, from which he graduated in 1855.

In 1856 he defended his master’s thesis, and in 1865 — his doctoral dissertation. D.I. Mendeleev is the author of the first Russian textbook on chemistry "Organic Chemistry" (1861), as well as a classic work on chemistry, built on the basis of the Periodic Law — "Fundamentals of Chemistry" (1868−1871). From 1861 to 1890 he taught at St. Petersburg University, from 1892 to 1907 he held the position of a scientific custodian of the Depot of Exemplary Weights and Measures, and from 1893 — manager of the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures.

One of the most famous discoveries that brought D.I. Mendeleev international recognition is the Periodic Law of Chemical Elements (February 17, 1869). In addition, he also made discoveries in the field of physics (absolute boiling point of liquids), gunpowder (invented smokeless pyrocolloid gunpowder), shipbuilding (proposed the idea of creating an experimental pool, took an active part in design, technical and organizational measures, tests of ship models, in 1901−1902 D.I. Mendeleev created the project of the Arctic expedition icebreaker), metrology (restored the standards of Russian measures, invented instruments and methods of the most accurate measurements) and many others.

In total, D.I. Mendeleev wrote more than 500 scientific papers on chemistry, physicochemistry, physics, metrology, economics, technology, geology, meteorology, pedagogy, aeronautics, instrumentation. Scientific achievements of D.I. Mendeleev was recognized both in Russia and abroad — he was elected an honorary member of more than 100 domestic and foreign academies, universities and scientific societies, awarded high international awards: the Davy Medal from the Royal Society of London (1882), the Medal of the Academy of Meteorological Aerostatics (Paris, 1887), the Faraday Medal from the English Chemical Society (1889), Copley Medal from the Royal Society of London (1905).

An avenue in the mountainous part of Tobolsk is named after D.I. Mendeleev, as well as the Mendeleevo microdistrict, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mendeleev Lanes, Mendeleev Street (formerly Bolshaya Bolotnaya) and Mendeleev Square.

Monument to D.I. Mendeleev

Mendeleev Avenue
The monument to Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev is located in the Mountainous part of Tobolsk on the territory of the 6th microdistrict, at the intersection of Mendeleev Avenue and Komsomolsky Avenue. Installed in 1984, the sculptor V. N. Nikiforov worked on it. It is one of the historical and cultural monuments protected by the state.

The famous scientist was born in 1834 in Tobolsk, then the capital of the vast Tobolsk province. Until 1849, his life was connected with this Siberian city: Mendeleev lived in the village of Verkhniye Aremzyany, Tobolsk County, then studied at the Tobolsk Men’s Gymnasium. In 1899, on his way to Siberia, already being a world-renowned scientist, Mendeleev stopped in Tobolsk for a few days, also visiting the Upper Aremzyans.
Church of the Ascension of the Lord
Mendeleev Avenue
In 2000, in commemoration of the beginning of the third millennium after the Birth of Christ, a church in honor of the Ascension of the Lord was laid in the 10th microdistrict on the outskirts of Tobolsk. The construction site was consecrated by Archbishop Dimitri of Tobolsk and Tyumen in the presence of the Governor of the Tyumen Region Leonid Yulianovich Roketsky.

In 2006, a board of trustees was formed, a charitable foundation was established, land was allocated for construction, and a temple project was developed and approved. In 2010, Archbishop Dimitri of Tobolsk and Tyumen reached an agreement with the management of the SIBUR company on financing the construction of the temple.

In 2011, construction began. The project was developed by the NGO "Sibspetsstroyrestavratsiya" under the leadership of Vladimir Silantyev, a member of the Union of Architects of Russia. Private benefactors were Dmitry Vladimirovich Konov and Mikhail Yurievich Karisalov.

In April 2012, the foundation of the church under construction was consecrated. The construction was carried out with the support of the governors: Sergey Semenovich Sobyanin, Vladimir Vladimirovich Yakushev, Alexander Viktorovich Moore — and the government of the Tyumen region.

A special feature of the temple is a unique heat supply system: heat pumps with geothermal probes are installed for heating, which take heat from the depths of the earth, heat it up to sixty degrees and distribute it throughout the heating system. The capacity of the temple is 650 people. The construction of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord was completed in March 2022 under the holiness of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Dimitri of Tobolsk and Tyumen, Governor Alexander Viktorovich Moore and the head of the city of Tobolsk Maxim Viktorovich Afanasyev.

Currently, services in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord are held on a regular basis.

On June 10, 2023, the church was consecrated by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.
Azimut Hotel
(formerly Slavyanskaya)
Mendeleev Avenue
The Slavyanskaya Hotel is the first European-level hotel in the region, which is located in the very center of the former capital of the Siberian province — the city of Tobolsk. For the first time the doors of the hotel were opened to visitors on June 11, 1994. The location of the hotel is favorable from all sides: firstly, in the city center, and secondly, in the center of Russia, which is favorable for congress customers from all over the country.

The room fund of the Slavyanskaya Hotel includes 184 rooms with 237 beds, of which: 11 luxury rooms, 3 Junior Suites, 53 double and 117 single rooms. All rooms are equipped with handmade Italian furniture in the style of Louis XV. Each room has everything you need for work and leisure: satellite TV, radio, work desk, mini-bar, bathroom, Wi-Fi. The luxury rooms have DVD players, a Jacuzzi in the bathroom, upholstered furniture in the lobby.

On the top floor of the hotel there is a restaurant "Romanov" with 80 seats. The interiors carefully reproduce the decoration of the imperial chambers, the oval ceiling light is decorated with a family portrait of the Romanovs, and the cutlery is marked with royal monograms. The stylized monogram of Nicholas II is present in many decorative elements, dishes, napkins, tablecloths. Also in "Slavyanskaya" there is a restaurant "Anastasia", named after the daughter of Nicholas II — the youngest Princess Anastasia Romanova. The interior of the restaurant is decorated in a classic style. The hall accommodates 180 people. The menu with a wide range of dishes and drinks of exquisite Russian and European cuisine is offered for guests.

March 31, 2022 is the last day of the Slavyanskaya Hotel. On April 1, the hotel was taken over by another legal entity and changed its name to Azimut.
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