Melnikov Street

Melnikov Street is a street in the mountainous part of Tobolsk, between the 4th and 8th microdistricts, connects Yubileynaya Street and Komsomolsky Prospekt.

Alexey Ivanovich Melnikov was born on October 14, 1918 in the village of Savinoy (now Tobolsk district). Graduated from elementary school. From an early age, he worked in his parents' household, then on a collective farm, as a stoker on a steamer. In 1939, Melnikov was called up to serve in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Since January 1944, he fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

By January 1945, Red Army soldier Alexey Melnikov was a senior scout-observer of the 98th heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade of the 1st Guards Artillery Division of the breakthrough of the 13th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front. Distinguished himself during the liberation of Poland. On January 25, 1945, Melnikov was one of the first to cross the Oder near Skinava and corrected the fire of one of the brigade’s divisions on German troops, which contributed to the successful capture and retention of a bridgehead on the west bank of the river. In hand-to-hand combat, he personally destroyed four German soldiers. In those battles, he was wounded, but continued to fight until he was wounded again, this time seriously. He died of his wounds in hospital on February 6, 1945. He was buried in the Polish city of Zhmigrud.
By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 10, 1945, for "exemplary performance of combat missions of the command at the front of the struggle against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time", Red Army soldier Alexey Melnikov was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was also posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

Now on Melnikov Street there are children’s and adult polyclinics, the children’s creativity center "Quantorium", the children’s art school named after V. Perov, as well as several large shopping centers -shops: "Pyaterochka", TV chanel "Europe", "Roman", "4 seasons", TSUM.

Children’s Art School named after V.G. Perov

The V.G. Perov Children’s Art School has been the leading art and educational center of the Tyumen Region for more than 35 years, continuing the best traditions of Russian realistic art. During its existence, the school has gained considerable prestige among institutions of additional education in the Ural-Siberian region.
The school takes an active part in the program of the revival of Tobolsk as a spiritual, moral and cultural center of Siberia.

In 2000, by the decision of the City Duma, the name of the great Russian artist, a native of Tobolsk, V.G. Perov, was awarded to the school for the high-quality level of training of students and educational activities of the collective.

More than seven hundred students of the school became its graduates. Many of them bring their children to school. In addition, five teachers of the school are its graduates, which indicates a positive attitude of students to the school. The thoroughness of academic education allows graduates of the school to successfully pass the entrance exams to Universities in the appropriate profile, choose professions in the field of fine arts, design, become teachers of art.

Tobolsk Central Department Store

In Tobolsk, the central department store, located in the 8th microdistrict, was commissioned in 1987, it is one of the oldest commercial buildings. The total area of the facility is about 3600 sq. m. meters, retail — approximately 2100 sq. m. meters. Currently, the store is served by 17 employees, and the number of sellers and tenants reaches 90 people.

Tobolsk City Polyclinic

Tobolsk city polyclinic has a rich history. Before the revolution, this medical institution was called a "Hospital for incoming patients."

Governor Alexander Ivanovich Despot-Zenovich, who took over the administration of the province entrusted to him in 1862, drew attention to the fact that there are many poor people in Tobolsk. Seeking all possible means to improve the life of the poor, for whom paid treatment in the city hospital was not available, the governor decided to open a hospital for incoming poor patients. The initiative of the head of the province was supported by the Tobolsk doctors, who expressed their readiness to take patients in turn for free every day in the new hospital, during the allotted hours.

On October 17, 1863, a hospital for visiting poor patients was opened in Tobolsk.

From the very opening, the hospital was located in the wing of the free pharmacy. The former tenant of the pharmacy, Fyodor Ivanovich Weimar, gave up two large rooms for the hospital.
At the end of the XIX century. the hospital for incoming poor patients was located in the former Shirkov house, on Zakharyevskaya Street. After that, the hospital often changed its addresses.

In 1986, the building of the Tobolsk city polyclinic was built in the 4th microdistrict.

During the construction of the city polyclinic, three human burials were found. The remains of a skeleton, clothes, shoes, glasses and a comb were brought to the surface. When the scallop was cleaned, scrawled words appeared on it. I managed to read the text as follows: "Goodbye, my dear Lara, Nelya and Shura! I kiss you endlessly, on October 22, 1937, I am waiting for the execution at night. It’s hard for an innocent to die. Transfer to the Danilovs, Tobolsk, Slesarnaya, 19".
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