Karl Marx Street

(along Pokrovskaya Street)
On the bank of the Pokrovka River there is a beautiful Church of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (Pokrovskaya). In the old days, Karl Marx Street, according to the church, was called Pokrovskaya.

The wooden Church of the Exaltation of the Cross was built back in 1652. In 1743, it burned down, but was immediately rebuilt.

Merchants brothers Ivan and Evgeny Medvedev on the bank of the Pokrovka River poured a hill for the construction of a house, then the hill was donated for the construction of a stone church.
In October 1754, construction began. The church was built with the money of parishioners. The lower warm church in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was consecrated in 1761, and the upper cold (summer) — in 1771. Due to lack of money, the bell tower stood wooden for many years and only in 1784 was completed with stone.

In 1784, during the flood, there was water in the temple itself. The flood washed away the hill, and it was surrounded by a wooden stump, and a fence was built around the temple. In memory of the flood of 1784, an inscription was made on the wall of the Holy Cross (Intercession) Church:

"In the year of the second reign of the Queen,
The second Catherine and all the Empresses,
When the snow disappeared and the ice passed in the spring,
Then there was a great water spill here,
In the old years, although the water was spilled,
But the whole church remained dry,
And this flood of water soaked the whole bottom,
And only above these verses was the cornice dry
These verses are written for that reason,
So that everyone remembers this flood until his death."

In 1789, the dome in the interior was decorated with alabaster bas-reliefs depicting God the Father and saints. In 1790, the north aisle of Simeon Stylite and his mother Martha was laid. In 1798, the construction was completed.

The parish of the church included the Russian population of the Zaabramov part of the city and four villages on the Left Bank.

In the early 1930s in Tobolsk there was a wave of demands "from the workers" for the closure of religious buildings. After the closure, the temple became a dormitory. In the mid-1950s, they tried to deprive the church of crosses. There was an accident — a worker was killed by a broken cable.

In 1965, the church turned into the Base of the ORSA Glavtyumenneftegazstroy. For 19 years, the temple was operated as a vegetable storehouse. At the moment, the temple is mothballed. Its restoration has begun.
Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Intercession) Church
Karl Marx Str.

The wooden Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was located here in the middle of the XVII century. Ninety years later, it burned down, but was restored almost immediately. To the south-west of the wooden church, with the money of parishioners, a stone church was built on the embankment of the merchants of the Medvedev brothers in 1771.

In 1784, in Tobolsk, the water rose 11 yards and 7 vershkov, and the church was heavily flooded, there is even an inscription on the wall of the Holy Cross (Intercession) Church.

In the flood of 1794, the water rose above this inscription by 2 vershka.

The bell tower of the temple remained wooden for another thirteen years. In 1790, the north aisle of Simeon Stylite and his mother Martha was laid. In 1798, the construction was completed completely.
Wealthy citizens spared no expense for the needs of the temple. In May 1821, the Tobolsk merchants of the 1st guild, Simeon and Nikolai Pilenkov, gilded the crosses and heads of the church at their own expense, and painted the roof and domes with green paint. The interior of the church was decorated with alabaster bas-reliefs made by a master from Tara Semyon Sidelnikov.

In 1854 there was a big flood. The interior of the temple was saved by sealing with rubble. In 1859, the flood was repeated, but the church survived, people went to the service on wooden scaffolds.

Priests Konstantin Nedosekov, Alexander Grammatin, Vasily Serebrennikov, Peter Ponikarovsky served in the church in different years.

The parish of the church included the Russian population of the Zaabramov part of the city and four villages on the Left Bank: Bekereva, Bolshaya and Malaya Rogalikha and Berkulskaya (Tyukova).
In 1887, the Holy Cross Parish Women’s School was opened. In 1897, a new school building was built. In 1901, 61 girls studied at the school. In 1908, 204 girls attended the school.

In the early 1930s in Tobolsk there was a wave of demands "from the workers" for the closure of religious buildings. From the list of closed churches of the city (based on the minutes of the Presidium of the City Council No. 54, § 5 of February 15, 1930 and the minutes of the meeting of the presidium of the district executive committee (OKRIKA) No. 93) in early 1930, the fact of the closure of 16 churches was stated.

After the closure, the temple became a dormitory. In the mid-1950s, they tried to deprive the church of crosses. There was an accident — a worker was killed by a broken cable. In 1965, the church turned into the Base of the ORSA Glavtyumenneftegazstroy. For 19 years, the temple was operated as a vegetable storehouse.

At the moment, the temple is mothballed. Its restoration has begun.
Residential house
Karl Marx Str.

The building dates from the middle of the twentieth century. The house is decorated with voluminous chiseled carvings. To the north of the house there are enclosed vestibules, in which an additional room is arranged. The roof of the house has been rebuilt. There is a dormer window in the attic.
Residential house
Karl Marx Str.

The building was built in the post-war period, as an ordinary residential five-wall building of a provincial town. The windows of the entrance hall of the house face the east side, and the windows of the main room face the west. The house is decorated with simple platbands with overhead carvings. The fence of the house has not been preserved. The house is sheathed and painted.
Residential house
Karl Marx Str.

The building was built in the middle of the twentieth century. The house has undergone numerous alterations. Windows with wooden frames, decorated with sawn carving, have been replaced with double-glazed windows. But the dormer window of the original appearance has been preserved in the attic. The house is sheathed and painted.
Residential house
Karl Marx Str.

The house was built in the first half of the twentieth century. Decorated with platbands with sawn carving "with ducks" and triangular cornices. The building has traces of numerous alterations.
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