Komsomolsky Prospekt

The construction of the «new» city began after 1974, when the construction of the «giant on the Irtysh» — the Tobolsk petrochemical Complex — began in Tobolsk.
The choice of Tobolsk was not accidental. It is here that many essential elements for the complex are concentrated: the proximity of powerful waterways, transport communications and threads of oil and gas pipelines. However, there were not a few negative factors. The NHC was built from scratch. Enterprises of this scale were created on the basis of large construction organizations, there was also a construction department, which employed 100 people, in addition, it was necessary to preserve the culture of the old city.
On May 7, 1974, the first production facility was laid — the base of the construction industry. TNHK was declared an All-Union Komsomol Shock Construction Site. Young boys and girls came here from all over the country. They built not only a complex, but also a «new» city — residential neighborhoods.
At the complex, new objects were raised one after another: a reinforced concrete plant, temporary cleaning of structures, TSB north, TSB south, a plant for the production of rebar, a plant for the production of concrete — an asphalt plant, an efficiency plant. In 1984, a new NHK production facility, the Central Gas Fractionating Unit, came into operation.

The main street of modern Tobolsk is Komsomolsky Prospekt, passing through new districts. When in the 80s of the twentieth century this street was built up with houses, they wanted to give the future avenue the name of Ermak, but later this idea was abandoned. The avenue was given the name Komsomolsky, in honor of Komsomol members who arrived in Tobolsk to build a petrochemical plant. Along Komsomolsky Prospekt, you can go south to the Tobolsk Kremlin or north to the railway station.
Tobolsk district communications hub
Komsomolsky Prospekt
In 1866, the Omsk — Tobolsk telegraph line was built. Since July 1, 1886, a monotonous one-by-one tariff has been established for internal telegraphic correspondence. The word-by-word payment within European and within Asian Russia was 5 kopecks for each word. The word-by-word payment from European Russia to Asian or reverse is set at 10 kopecks for each word.

At the beginning of the XX century, the postal and telegraph service accepted men at least 17 years old who had graduated from primary school or 4th grade secondary school. Women were accepted no older than 30 years, unmarried or childless widows with an education of at least 4 grades of secondary school. Those who were recruited were trained for 3−4 months to study their duties.
At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, a telephone appeared in the city. The initiative to open a telephone connection in the center of the province belonged to Baron Frederick. The fee for installing the phone was set at 100 rubles and an annual fee of 20 rubles per subscriber. 125 poles were installed in Tobolsk, 35 versts of wire were suspended and 35 apparatuses were installed. Phone number 1 is the provincial printing house, number 2 is the police department, number 5 is the prison castle, number 25 is the pier, number 30 is the bishop. It was allowed to use the phone from 6 am to 12 pm, the rest of the time — in case of emergency. The connection was made manually by telephone operators, who were called «telephone ladies». The telephone operators had to be at least 18 years old and educated at least four grades of female gymnasium or diocesan schools.

On September 8, 1919, on the basis of the resolution of the Tobolsk VRK, the Tobolsk District Office of the Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR was formed, from which the Tobolsk district communications hub originates. The Tobolsk communication center provided communication services (postal, telephone, telegraph, phototelegraph, etc.), organized the distribution of periodicals (by subscription) and was in charge of issues of television and radio communication in the territory of the district assigned to it.
Tobolsk Police
Komsomolsky Prospekt
The history of the creation of the regular police in Russia began with the approval by Peter I in May 1718 of the post of police chief General. In 1733, under Anna Ioannovna, the law "On the establishment of police in cities" was issued. The Tobolsk Police chief 's office was established in 1734. The police master’s offices in provincial cities included a police master, a non-commissioned officer, a corporal, 6−8 privates and 2 clerical employees.

In the fund of the Tobolsk police chief’s office, which is stored in the Tobolsk archive, there are many documents that reveal the main activities of the new body. The office performed administrative and police functions: it was engaged in the promulgation of decrees and orders of the central and local authorities, kept records of the movement of the population, carried out sentences of the civil criminal court, ensured fire safety, protected public order, collected arrears from the population, supervised the sanitary condition of the city, communication routes, prison premises.

The police chief’s office was abolished in 1782. Its functions were performed by the newly established Tobolsk deanery Board or police board. At the same time, in 1782, city police departments were established. Their functions included supervision of the execution of laws, the protection of order and proper obedience to the authorities, the performance of duties in the affairs of the judicial department, the state administration, the military department and the public economy. The Tobolsk City Police Department was abolished only in 1917.

The documents of the Tobolsk police with a description of the signs for the search for criminals are interesting, because in the middle of the XIX century it was necessary to rely only on a verbal description of appearance, clothing, manner of speech, behavior. So, for example, in the description of the names of criminals for 1836, you can read: "the malefactor Schultz, discovers great education in speeches, dresses with sophistication, wears excellent fine underwear with gold breast buttons, sadness and worries are visible on his face, carries a tercerole in his pocket (a small muzzle-loading pistol), and a dagger in his boot and a bottle of poison."
Tobolsk Drama Theater named after P.P. Ershov
Komsomolsky Prospekt
After the revolution, instead of the "People's Audience", the theater returned the name given by the Decembrists in 1840 — "People's House". The repertoire of the theater is filled with plays about the heroic feat of the Red Guards, sailors, partisans of the Civil War: "Mutiny" by Furmanov, "Chapaev", "Love Spring" by Trenev, "Battleship 1469" by Ivanov, "The Rift" by Lavrenev. These performances were a celebration for the working audience. In the performances, the leading roles were performed by artists: Veprinsky, Stashites, Semyanov, Zhemchuzhnikova, Malinovskaya, Anzhellova, Egorov, Khakhalin, Volsky.

On January 1, 1934, the theater of working youth (TWY) was organized.
On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the Tobolsk Theater was one of the best drama theaters in the Russian Federation, however, many actors had to go to the front. On November 5, 1941, the State Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Maria Zankovetskaya under the leadership of People’s Artist of the Ukrainian SSR Boris Romanitsky arrived in Tobolsk in full force.

During the 22 months of their stay in Tobolsk, the M. Zankovetskaya Theater staged 542 performances, served 256 thousand spectators with them. After the departure of the Ukrainian Theater to its land liberated from the Nazis, six actors remained in the Tobolsk Theater. Only at the end of 1944 the troupe of the theater began to be replenished. Y.S. Adamov-Ivanov and D. Pavlovsky, who led concert brigades, returned from the front. A hard and bloody war ended, the people were moving to peaceful construction. A new stage in the history of the Tobolsk Theater has come.

Since 1949, the drama theater team begins touring and travels 2 thousand kilometers to the Arctic Circle. Then, for more than two months in the summer of 1961, the theater troupe spends on tour in the north of the Tyumen region.

The 60−70s in the life of the theater were marked by a creative upsurge. All the new works testified to the greatness and attractive power of theatrical art reigning on the Tobolsk stage.
Theatrical life, which originated in Siberia in the XVIII century, continues successfully in the third millennium — new theaters appear, festivals are held. But do not forget that everything began in 1705 in a small, quiet city — Tobolsk"
Jewish Cemetery
Komsomolsky Prospekt
The foundation of the Jewish cemetery in the Zavalny suburb of the city of Tobolsk dates back to the first half of the XIX century. The place was chosen behind a Deep gully, on the right side of the road leading from Tobolsk to the village of Zashchitina. In the second half of the XIX century the territory was already sufficiently developed.

In the newspaper "Tobolsk provincial Vedomosti" the Jewish cemetery is mentioned in connection with the case of the excavation of the grave and the robbery of a dead body.

"On April 14, a Tobolsk philistine from the Jews, Mortha Koplun, with other Jews, arrived at the Jewish cemetery to bury the deceased infant of Private Holland, noticed an open grave in which a peasant Koplun was buried on April 8. Upon inspection of the said grave, it turned out that it was dug several times from above and is not in the same form as it was buried at first. After the excavation of this grave for a one-yard certificate, the boards with which the body of the deceased was covered appeared, knocked off the spot and then the body itself, and there was no white canvas shroud on it, and half of the calico shirt was torn off; the body lying, although in the same place, but not at the very depth, as it should be at the burial, and even not quite in the position as it should be; on his face on the right side, near his nose and on his left hand, the skin is pulled off, as can be assumed, when digging up the earth with a forged shovel and, moreover, there are no two teeth in his mouth on the right side. In the digging of the grave and in the robbery of the dead body, suspicion has not been declared against anyone. Active police measures have been taken to the discovery of criminals" (Tobolsk Provincial Vedomosti. 1867. No. 23. p. 132).
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