The old name of Gagarin Street is Rotnaya. In 1865, the 50th Tobolsk Provincial Battalion was created. In 1876 it became known as the Tobolsk Battalion, and in 1882 — the Tobolsk Reserve Infantry Cadre Battalion.
Until 1888, the barracks of the Tobolsk Reserve Infantry Battalion were located on Company Street (Barracks), and then they were transferred to the mountainous part of the city, to Bolshaya Petropavlovsk Street, beyond the Filthy Pond. In 1891, the Tobolsk Reserve Infantry cadre battalion was headed by Colonel N.P. Ignatiev, battalion adjutant Lieutenant A.V. Stankevich.
In 1900, the composition of the Tobolsk Reserve Infantry battalion was as follows: commander — Colonel D.A. Rudnitsky; junior staff captain — A.E. Redko; head of household — Captain S.N. Mameev; battalion adjutant — lieutenant A.A. Danilov; treasurer — lieutenant A.P. Zoshchenko; head of weapons — Lieutenant A.P. Popov; battalion quartermaster — Lieutenant I.Y. Vakhlachev; head of the training team — Lieutenant G.F. Segen. Company commanders, captains: 1st — A.V. Stankevich; 2nd — N.I. Zakharov; 3rd — P.P. Serebrennikov; 4th — N.A. Lebedev; 5th — S.F. Biryukov. Junior officers: Staff Captains — L.G. Behrens, F.G. Ermolaev and A.P. Zoshchenko; lieutenants — P.P. Sapozhnikov, G.I. Altuev, A.M. Voskresensky, V. E. Parkachev, V.P. Makarov, G.P. Serebrennikov, P.I. Tyshko and P.N. Gorlov; sub-lieutenants — F.E. Subbotin, S.A. Khren, M.K. Gavrilov, P.N. Somov, K.A. Zhadkevich, N.N. Stroganov, A.I. Navalikhin, P. F. Shestakov and N. F. Ponomarev; Lieutenant- I.A. Anuchin. Doctors: senior — collegiate adviser A.B. Dronzikov, junior — P.I. Bochkovsky. The clerk is F.V. Telyatnikov.
According to the townsfolk, the soldiers and officers of the Tobolsk Reserve Infantry Battalion led a shut-up life full of heroic deeds. Tobolsk newspapers reported about the life of the military:
"On Friday, May 1, recruits of the battalion of the Tobolsk regiment standing in the city of Tobolsk were sworn in on Cathedral Square after the prayer service" (Siberian Leaflet. 1909. No. 51. p. 2).
"On May 15, after the prayer service, a military meeting was opened in a newly built building. On May 16, the first evening in this room took place." (Siberian leaflet. 1896. No. 38. p.3).
"On Sunday, May 17, the commander of the 2nd battalion of the Siberian Reserve Tobolsk Regiment N.I. Zakharov, who died suddenly on May 15, was buried with the usual military honors. The funeral attracted a lot of people" (Siberian Leaflet. 1909. No. 58. p.2).
"On Saturday, June 27, a solemn prayer service was held on Cathedral Square in memory of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava and a military parade was held" (Siberian Leaflet. 1909. No. 74. p.2).
"On October 14, in the 3rd unit, near the soldiers' barracks, in the empty building of the old manege, the dead body of a private of the 1st company of the local battalion Nikolai Zolnikov, 32 years old, was found" (Tobolsk provincial Vedomosti. 1876. No. 46. p.3).
On April 23, 1961, Rotnaya Street was renamed Gagarin Street. Although the Tobolsk old men called it a Company for a long time.