Builders Street

On September 6, 1955, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the establishment of the annual Builder’s Day Holiday" was issued. The holiday owes its appearance to the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, N. S. Khrushchev, who was delighted with the construction of the Zhiguli hydroelectric power station, which eventually led to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

On August 12, 1956, workers of the construction industry of the Soviet Union celebrated their professional holiday for the first time.

In all cities of the Soviet Union there was a street of Builders.
After the collapse of the USSR, the professional holiday "Builder's Day" is still celebrated annually on the second Sunday of August in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan. Since 2011, by the decision of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Builder’s Day in Russia has been declared a federal holiday.

On August 13, 2023 Maxim Viktorovich Afanasyev, the head of the city of Tobolsk, congratulated the industry workers on the festive date.

The congratulation reads:
"Dear veterans and employees of the construction industry! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday!
Construction is a noble creative industry, the intensity of development of which speaks of stability, well-being and prosperity. The more we build housing and social facilities, the more noticeable the strengthening of the economy, the higher the quality of life of Tobolians. The city is still growing with new housing complexes, modern infrastructure facilities, new parks and squares.

Construction companies of our city, labor dynasties, industry specialists make an invaluable treasure in the socio-economic development of Tobolsk. Thanks to the highly qualified and well-coordinated work of organizations in the construction industry, all conditions were created for the successful early implementation of the first stage of the resettlement program from dilapidated and dilapidated housing. The joint program with the Government of the Tyumen Region and SIBUR Tobolsk 2020 has been fully implemented and the Tobolsk Real program has been launched intensively.
I would like to say a few words of gratitude to the veterans of the industry, those who laid glorious traditions, stood at the origins of the construction of modern districts of our city, who drove the first piles in the era of the construction of the "Giant on the Irtysh".

I wish you all good Siberian health, longevity, happiness, well-being and new goals! In a good way!"

Highway Bridge in Tobolsk
Builders Str.
September 30, 2021 marked the twentieth anniversary of the opening of the road bridge over the Irtysh River in Tobolsk. From the high bank, the townspeople looked at the panorama of the construction of the 650-meter bridge unfolding below and then for many years they looked forward to the opening of one of the most significant objects of the TF "Mostootryad-87". At that time, the company was headed by I.P. Nechta, it was under his leadership that a unique structure was erected.

Construction began in 1983, however, due to the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, there was a two-year break. There were various abnormal situations during work — both interruptions with equipment, and flooding of the pit. However, by the third year of construction, the detachment already numbered 480 people, was equipped with good machinery and equipment, eight auto and crawler cranes, besides, new dump trucks had just been received. The first and second supports were completed on the bridge. A pile shell with a diameter of 1.6 meters was submerged to a 40-meter depth, later two more supports were put into operation. The work was in full swing and was completed on September 30, 1991 at the stage of a sound and reliable construction.

Railway Station in Tobolsk

The construction of the Tyumen — Tobolsk—Surgut highway began in 1966, in October 1967, the section from Tyumen to the left bank of the Irtysh was completed and the first working train arrived there. In 1969, the construction of the bridge across the Irtysh was completed.

Tobolyaks joyfully welcomed the first passenger train at the Suzgun overpass on March 29 of the same year. On April 1, 1973, the Tobolsk station was transferred from the temporary operation department to the Ministry of Railways of the USSR as a first-class cargo station. This day is considered her birthday.
In 1970−1974, a passenger station in restrained modernism was erected next to the service facilities of the station, not far from the village of railway workers Mendeleevo.

On August 23, 1973, the Tobolsk City Committee of the CPSU and the City Executive Committee decided to install a memorial plaque with the names of the construction participants and the creators of the project on the future building of the railway station.

The opening of the railway station took place on September 26, 1974.
Built of monolithic concrete, the station is a two-level volume of the passenger terminal stretched along a high platform with a six-storey block of office and hotel rooms embedded in it. Decorative panels are decorated by Herman Cheremushkin. The decoration of buildings and premises was carried out by a team of Tobolsk workers of the Tyumenstroyput association, headed by Hero of Socialist Labor Ivan Semenovich Marinenkov.

In 2018, the station was reconstructed and modernized. The exterior decoration has been changed, the navigation system has been updated, the apron has been lengthened, a second high platform has been built, rest rooms have been organized on the second floor. There is parking and a bus stop.
Tobolsk River Port
The first pier in Tobolsk appeared back in 1734. The city became a real center of waterways stretching from the Urals to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, and served as a trading post that united Europe and Asia.

Construction of a new river port began in 1969. The "Road of Life" was formed by the construction of a railway branch and a river port and their merger. It became the heart of the "great waterway", linking the severed North and the rich Urals. The Tobolsk river port served as the main base for the delivery of goods to numerous large-scale construction projects in the Tyumen region. Every third ton of cargo delivered to the North passed through the "river gate" of Tobolsk.
In the late 1970s. Irtysh and Ob became transport arteries through which construction materials, machinery and mechanisms, food and essential goods flowed to the new northern cities.

Being the most important transport hub in the Ob-Irtysh basin, the Tobolsk River Port is able to receive and process almost any cargo. The infrastructure of the part includes 8 mechanized berths with a length of 800 meters, equipped with gantry cranes, access railways, highways, open and covered warehouses, logistics and repair bases, fleet and floating cranes.

In 1985, 7,503 wagons were received and 462.2 tons of cargo were unloaded, and in 2017 — 24,611 wagons and 1,656,000 tons of cargo. The largest volumes occurred in 2005−2008 during the implementation of the program "Cooperation" between the KhMAO, YaNAO and the Tyumen region.

Currently, JSC "Tobolsk River Port" transports cargo to the areas of the Middle Ob region and provides mineral construction materials "ZapSib-2" and other objects under construction in Tobolsk.

New Residential Districts of Tobolsk

The construction of the "new" city began after 1974, when the construction of the "giant on the Irtysh" - the Tobolsk petrochemical Complex — began in Tobolsk. According to the master plan, the mountainous part of Tobolsk was built up on the principle of microdistricts, as in northern cities, while the streets (Jubileinaya, Znamensky, Melnikov and others) became their borders. Komsomolsk Avenue became the main street of Tobolsk. From 1970 to 1985, the population of Tobolsk increased from 56.3 to 96.3 thousand people. In 1995, Tobolsk, along with Moscow and St. Petersburg, was recognized as the third cultural capital of Russia. According to statistics, as of August 4, 2011, the city’s population was 103 486 people. Tobolsk has 3 universities, 22 schools, 7 special educational institutions. Currently, the city is being built in the north and north-east directions.
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